Universitas Negeri Malang is proud to announce a groundbreaking research initiative that aims to create a documentary model for making a film about Wayang Panji Nusantara, a rich cultural heritage in Indonesia. This research team is led by Dr. Rudi Irawanto, S.Pd, M.Sn, with three researchers namely Dr. Hary Suswanto, S.T, M.T., Ni’matul Istiqomah, S,Pd, M.Pd, and Dr. Tri Wahyuningyas, […]
Bridging Art and Technology: A
Collaborative Initiative with Akademi
Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan
to Explore Virtual Reality in Abstract
Universitas Negeri Malang is proud to announce a pioneering research initiative that aims toexplore the development and implementation of virtual reality in creating decorative andfuturistic abstract paintings. This research team was led by Abdul Rahman Prasetyo, S.Pd,M.Pd., with two researchers namely Dr. Ike Ratnawati, S.Pd, M.Pd and Dr. Iriaji, M. Pd, twostudents from our university namely Nila Rahmawati, M. Pd. […]

Embracing New Beginnings: Welcoming 1 Muharram 1445 H
Malang, Indonesia – August 23, 2023 – As the Islamic New Year, 1 Muharram 1445 H, dawns upon us, it brings with it a sense of renewal and a fresh start. This special occasion is not only a time for reflection but also a time to set intentions for personal growth and positive change. Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) joins Muslims […]

FS UM and UiTM Kedah Forge International Collaboration in Library Science
Malang, Indonesia – July 17, 2023 – The Bachelor’s Program in Library Science at Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) is embarking on an exciting international collaboration with the Faculty of Information Management at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Malaysia. A delegation from both institutions convened on July 17, 2023, to explore potential partnerships. Dr. Mohd Zool Hilmie Mohamed Sawa, the Dean […]
Drawing Democracy: A Collaborative Research Initiative with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to Explore Political Cartoons and Visual Culture
In a world where images speak louder than words, political cartoons have become a powerful medium for expressing opinions, critiquing policies, and sparking debates. The University of Malang is excited to announce a groundbreaking research initiative that aims to explore the visual culture and gestures of political cartoons in the national mass media, specifically examining the conflict between the government […]
Flipping the Classroom: A Collaborative Research Initiative with Suranaree University of Technology to Enhance EFL Students’ Writing Ability
Department of English Bambang Yudi Cahyono In an era where education is constantly evolving, the University of Malang is proud to announce a pioneering research initiative that aims to explore the effect of the flipped classroom model on EFL students’ writing ability and their perceptions of learning autonomy. This innovative approach to teaching and learning is set to transform the […]
Empowering Digital Ethics: A Collaborative Research Initiative with International Expertise
Department of German Literature Primardiana Hermilia Wijayati In an era where digital devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, understanding digital ethics and protection is paramount. Recognizing this need, our institution has embarked on a groundbreaking research project aimed at developing an assessment instrument that will bolster student awareness in the realm of digital ethics and protection. […]
Drawing Democracy: A Collaborative Research Initiative with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to Explore Political Cartoons and Visual Culture
Department of Art and Design Pujiyanto In a world where images speak louder than words, political cartoons have become a powerful medium for expressing opinions, critiquing policies, and sparking debates. The University of Malang is excited to announce a groundbreaking research initiative that aims to explore the visual culture and gestures of political cartoons in the national mass media, specifically […]
Reviving Tradition, Promoting Harmony: A Collaborative Research Initiative with University Malaysia Kelantan on the Wayang Potehi Puppet Show
Department of Art and Design Rudi Irawanto University of Malang is embarking on a unique journey to revive and celebrate the Wayang Potehi puppet show, a traditional art form that has been a part of Indonesian culture for centuries. This research team is led by Dr. Rudi Irawanto, S.Pd, M.Sn, with four researchers namely Dr. Tri Wahyuningyas, S.Pd, M.Si, Dr. […]
Bridging Borders and Minds: A Collaborative Research Initiative for Global Literacy with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Department of English Utami Widiati Universitas Negeri Malang is thrilled to unveil a pioneering research initiative that transcends borders and disciplines. This ambitious project, focusing on Indonesian undergraduate EFL students’ responses to the Critical Global Literacy (CGL) framework, is set to revolutionize the way we approach language education. In a remarkable collaboration, we are honored to have Tengku Intan Suzila […]