Department of Indonesian Language (DBI) State University of Malang (UM) organized training in writing short stories, poetry, and play scripts for DBI students of all generations on Monday (15/8/2022). The event was held offline limited in the AVA Hall of the Faculty of Letters UM. It was attended by three reliable presenters in their fields, namely Dr. Karkono, M.A., as […]
State University of Malang Trains Public Speaking Students of SMKN 1 Wonosari
im Regular KKN State University of Malang (UM) held a Public Speaking Training at SMKN 1 Wonosari, Sumberdem Village, Malang Regency, on Monday (20/7/2022). The activity, which carries the theme “Improving the Quality of Soft Skills and the Art of Speaking in the Present,” took place in the RPS Tesha class at SMKN 1 Wonosari and was attended by 30 […]
Leaders and Lecturers of the Department of Indonesian Language, Faculty of Letters UM Working Visit to FBS UNP
The group led by the Head of the Indonesian Language Department, Dr. Roekhan, M.Pd., was officially welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Padang, Prof. Dr. Ermanto, S.Pd., M.Hum. in the courtroom of FBS UNP, Air Tawar Campus Padang. Present at the event were Vice Dean I, Dr. Havid Ardi, M.Hum., Coordinator of […]
Development of Intercultural Communication Competence Through Networked Intercultural Collaboration
Intercultural communication competence is one of the most essential skills for English teachers in the 21st century. Teachers who master this competence are then expected to train students to build intercultural competence to interact and communicate effectively and appropriately in diverse communication contexts. Online cultural exchange collaboration between countries is one of the efforts to develop teachers’ intercultural communication competence […]
US Students Start Learning Indonesian
Indonesian language and culture attract students from the United States. They came to the State University of Malang (UM) to learn Indonesian. That’s what 23 students from the US did in the 2022 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) program. This CLS program is a scholarship the United States government provides for students who want to learn Indonesian directly in the country. […]
Implementation of Storytelling Activities as a Realization of the School Literacy Movement
The school literacy movement (GLS) is a movement that has been intensified for a long time. Schools carry out various activities to improve student literacy. Some of these activities include reading 15 minutes before learning activities take place, creating a reading corner in each class, and holding literacy movement competitions that are carried out in each school of various types. […]
Indonesian Literature Department Della Patricia Brajaningrum November 2021 Community service SDG 4 The community service proposed by the researcher is part of the implementation of science and technology in the community. This is important to do as part of realizing the role of universities in implementing the tri dharma. In 2021, researchers will implement an Indonesian language socialization program to […]
Recognizing Symbolic Violence by Watching Korean Drama
Departemen Sastra Indonesia Vina Kumala Sari November, 2021 Research/Penelitian SDG 4 According to WHO (World Health Organization), violance is the intentional use of coercion or physical force, threats or acts, which either result in or have a high tendency to result in injury, death, psychological injury, developmental disability or harm. In this definition, it appears that there are two types […]
INDONESIAN LITERATURE DEPARTMENT Della Patricia Brajaningrum November 25, 2021 Study SDG 4 The 2021 FS UM PNBP Fund Research analyzed linguistic units in discussing the message that wanted to be conveyed or communicated in the Gandrung Wayang Metri. This study aims to find the meaning of the discourse in the Metri Wayang Gandrung culture. This research is entitled “Analysis of […]
Departemen Sastra Indonesia Vaddantya Gantari Chandra Kirana 24 November 2021 The Community Services SDG 4 Today, technological advances are increasingly rapid and sophisticated, making many young people more expressive and creative in creating content. With the sophistication that exists, now social media can be used as a place to make money. Of course, this opportunity was not missed by the […]