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4. Quality Education
Implementation of Storytelling Activities as a Realization of the School Literacy Movement

Implementation of Storytelling Activities as a Realization of the School Literacy Movement

The school literacy movement (GLS) is a movement that has been intensified for a long time. Schools carry out various activities to improve student literacy. Some of these activities include reading 15 minutes before learning activities take place, creating a reading corner in each class, and holding literacy movement competitions that are carried out in each school of various types. However, these activities need strong support and determination from multiple parties, such as schools, student affairs, subject teachers, and librarians. In addition, schools also need to establish cooperation between educational partners such as universities. The existence of the independent learning campus (MBKM) program requires students to create creative and innovative ideas beneficial to partners. Students participating in MBKM UM, with librarians and extracurricular Dhamysoga Library Club (DLC) SMA Negeri 5 Malang, held a school literacy movement activity, namely storytelling. This activity is carried out as entertainment and fun learning for Kharisma Islamic KB kindergarten children. March 25, 2022, became the day of the storytelling activity. The theme is about the universe, so the action is “Fun Story Telling _ Alam Semesta Bercerita.” The storytelling activities aim to increase students’ confidence when performing on stage, hone their ability to speak loudly with various voices and expressions and imagine conveying the story being told. The activity was carried out at Kharisma Islamic Kindergarten in Malang.

Before the implementation of storytelling, students assisted the librarian in helping DLC members with storytelling preparation exercises. Assistance to DLC members was carried out for three weeks before the implementation of storytelling. In addition to assisting DLC members in preparing storytelling performances, students also help MC assist members appointed as hosts during storytelling. After the mentoring activities were completed, the storytelling members held a rehearsal. The participants’ performances were 80% ready during the trial, only needing personal practice. March 25, 2022, was the implementation of storytelling activities; the audience, namely the younger siblings of KB Islam Kharisma Kindergarten, were very enthusiastic and full of laughter when watching the performance of the Big Brothers and Sisters from SMA Negeri 5 

A group of people standing in front of a banner

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Image 1. [Storytelling performance of DLC members]

Maya, a member of the extracurricular Dhamysoga Librarian Club (DLC), is performing a storytelling performance about her story entitled “Kok Hujan” to the kindergarten children of KB Islam Kharisma. The audience was very enthusiastic and happy during the storytelling activity. KB Islam Kharisma Kindergarten is also very grateful to the DLC extracurricular for being willing and working hard in preparing until the implementation of the fairy tale activity. Through the fairy tale activity, it is hoped to arouse the enthusiasm of Kharisma Islamic Kindergarten children in learning and expression. The DLC members and librarians of SMA Negeri 5 can also improve the concept of fun extracurricular activities and create a competitive school literacy movement that provides the latest innovations in each generation so that the school literacy movement can continue to run and be of interest to students.

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