• +62 341 567475
  • sastra@um.ac.id
To Reduce Lecture Fatigue, The Department of German Held a German Film Screening for Students

To Reduce Lecture Fatigue, The Department of German Held a German Film Screening for Students

The German Academic Exchange Service, commonly called DAAD, collaborates with HMD German Literature, State University of Malang, to organize “Filmabend” activities. “Filmabend” is a joint movie-watching activity targeted at students of the Department of German Language, State University of Malang, and can be attended by the public. “Filmabend” activities are organized to introduce and provide learning about the German language. […]

[An ecstatic Sports Week in Thai School]

[An ecstatic Sports Week in Thai School]

During my Teaching Assistantship in Thailand for the Kampus Merdeka program sponsored by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Indonesia, I had the chance to join Sports Week in Thailand. The Sports Week event in Thai schools is beyond a standard sports competition. There are many exciting activities: costume parade, performance, games, and cheerleading. Every year, students and […]

UM Student Service Team; Hold Parenting Parenting for Children with Disabilities

UM Student Service Team; Hold Parenting Parenting for Children with Disabilities

The Malang State University (UM) student team has conducted community service activities. Consists of four students. They are a collaboration of several study programs. Among them are Diah Ayu Meiliniasari, Yulanda Praptiwi, Gary Dwi Primastio, and Nawwaf Faruq Adina P. Lidya Amalia R, S. Kom, M.Kom as the Supervising Lecturer, guided them. This team conducted community service activities titled Paradise: […]

[Doing Teaching Assistant Abroad – 10 Muharram in Thailand ]

[Doing Teaching Assistant Abroad – 10 Muharram in Thailand ]

Asistensi Mengajar (Teaching Assistantship) is one of the implementations of the Kampus Merdeka Program from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia. Nanik Nor Laila, an English Language Education student of Universitas Negeri Malang, was selected as one of the 19 students from the Faculty of Letters to join the program. This program was held in Karbi and […]

Cooperation, increasing the competence of students of SMK Animation skills, Fine Arts Teacher Training (KSR) State University of Malang -SMKN 11 Malang – Malang Illustrator and Comic Artist (MICA)

Cooperation, increasing the competence of students of SMK Animation skills, Fine Arts Teacher Training (KSR) State University of Malang -SMKN 11 Malang – Malang Illustrator and Comic Artist (MICA)

Damariotimes. Malang July 24, 2022. After establishing the animation expertise competency as a center of excellence (PK) by the Director General of Vocational, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The steps are to strengthen and increase cooperation with industry and the community. Figure 1. Group photo session, organizers and participants of animation workshop The cooperation is […]