• +62 341 567475
  • sastra@um.ac.id
Making of SMPN 1 Singosari Mascot.  “The mascot of SMPN 1 SINGOSARI is named SHISHA.”

Making of SMPN 1 Singosari Mascot. “The mascot of SMPN 1 SINGOSARI is named SHISHA.”

A mascot is a shape or object that can take the form of a person, animal,l or object that is considered to bring good luck and to enliven the atmosphere of the event being held. Mascots generally represent the broader community, from schools, universities, sports clubs, or the development of a commercial product. Each Mascot created will be given a […]

Legato Upgrading 2023 – Entrepreneurship Activities for UM Faculty of Letters Students

Legato Upgrading 2023 – Entrepreneurship Activities for UM Faculty of Letters Students

Most people usually relax at home or visit a tourist spot on weekends. However, a group of young people choose a day off to process to develop themselves. On Sunday, May 14, 2023, 20 students from the Department of English Literature participated in a “Legato Upgrading 2023” activity in the AVA hall of the Faculty of Letters, State University of […]

SEMEN (Mental Health Seminar)

SEMEN (Mental Health Seminar)

SEMEN (Mental Health Seminar) is an activity carried out by HMD German Literature. This activity was held on May 13, 2023. To gather German Literature students to discuss and share knowledge and information about mental health and its development. This activity occurred in the Ava Hall, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. The German Literature Department Student Association management held […]

Kominfo Class For Improving the Quality of Students Through Cross-disciplinary Studies

Kominfo Class For Improving the Quality of Students Through Cross-disciplinary Studies

The Student Association of the Department of German Literature, State University of Malang or abbreviated as HMD German Literature UM, organized a workshop activity, namely Kominfo class. This activity is one of the work programs of HMD German Literature. This Kominfo class was held on May 6, 2023, in Hall B3, 2nd floor. This workshop activity, attended by all Malang […]

LC (Legato Charity) 2023 to Orphanage

LC (Legato Charity) 2023 to Orphanage

The State University of Malang students carry out Community Service activities to practice the Tridharma of Higher Education, one of which is carried out by the Departmental Student Association or HMD English Literature. The activity, called LC (Legato Charity) 2023, was carried out at the Siti Hajar Orphanage on March 25, 2023. This activity aims to strengthen the relationship between […]

FS Student Organization conducting the 2023 by Laws Session

FS Student Organization conducting the 2023 by Laws Session

In implementing LC (Legato Charity) 2023, Community Service activities at Siti Hajar Orphanage, HMD English Literature students carried out several activities, including learning activities for orphanage children. HMD English Literature students provide English teaching with engaging learning media and rewards in the form of gifts to foster the enthusiasm of orphanage children in learning. In addition, HMD English Literature students […]