The Students of German Department UM implemented Teaching Assistance For the First Time at SMKN 9 Malang
Do you know what Teaching Assistance is? Teaching assistance in education units is a form of collaborative learning activities carried out by students under the guidance of teachers and supervisors in formal education units.
Teaching activities in this education unit are carried out for 1-2 semesters (equivalent to 20-40 credits). Schools where teaching practice can be located in the student’s home area or in areas that are far away from disadvantaged, frontier and outermost areas (3T).
This Teaching Assistance is one of several programs from Merdeka Belajar. As stated on the page on the Independent Learning page (MBKM) there are 8 programs, namely:
1. Student Exchange
2. Internship / Internship
3. Teaching Assistance in Education Units
4. Research / Research
5. Humanitarian Project
6. Entrepreneurial Activities
7. Independent Study/Project
8. Building a Village / Thematic Real Work Lecture
This teaching assistance is carried out in academic units at the level of Early Childhood Education (PAUD)/Elementary School (SD)/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Junior High School (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and High School (SMA)/ Madrasah Aliyah (MA)/Vocational High School (SMK). The teaching Assistance Program consists of academic activities and non-academic activities. On this occasion, Malang State University Students also carried out Teaching Assistance activities at SMKN 9 Malang. Please note that SMKN 9 Malang is located at Jl. Sampurna No.1, Cemorokandang, Kec. Kedungkandang, Malang City, East Java. At SMKN 9 Malang, there are five Teaching Assistance Students from S1 German Language Education, State University of Malang.
On September 23, 2021, a handover / MOU was held from the Department to the SMKN 9 Malang School. Those present at the meeting, which was held around 10.00 WIB, were Dr. Edy Hidayat, S.Pd., M.Hum (Head of German Language Education Department), Dr. Dewi Kartika Ardiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd (Secretary of the Department of German Language Education), Dra. Tri Endarwati, M.M (Principal of SMKN 9 Malang), Drs. Sutikno, M.Pd (Waka Curriculum at SMKN 9 Malang), Dra. Yuliati (German Education Teacher at SMKN 9 Malang. This activity will be held from September 20 to December 20, 2021.