Technical Guidance on The Beginning of The Corpse Santri Guide How to Bath Covid-19 Patients
Departemen Sastra Arab
Darul Faqih Malang Islamic Boarding School in collaboration with LP2M State University of Malang (UM) held technical guidance on the regeneration of Modin corpse nurses in Ponpes Darul Faqih Malang, yesterday. The activity aims to equip students in terms of repatriation of corpses so that they are ready to enter the community. “Activities like this are very necessary for students because the scientific urgency is felt directly in the community,” said KH. Faris Khoirul Anam, Lc., M.H.I, Caretaker of Ponpes Darul Faqih in his opening remarks which was attended by Mochammad Rizal Ramadhan M.Pd., Head of the LP2M UM Community Service Team. According to Ustadz Faris, not all people can take good care of the corpse perfectly by the guidance taught by Islam.
On the other hand, the repatriation of corpses in society sometimes only relies on one or two people. This condition certainly needs to be taken seriously by Islamic boarding schools where students should not only be educated in fiqh material but also technical materials such as technical guidance activities for the repatriation of corpses. The activity was presented by speaker Habib Jaelani Al-Habsyi. While the material has two big topics, namely normal corpse care and corpse care with special conditions. Such as victims of accidents, mutilations, and people with HIV / AIDS and Covid-19 diseases.
Picture 1. Training implementation
In the technical guidance material for normal corpse care, the main material is in the form of technical bathing of the corpse, fanning, burying, and burying concerning the relevant books of jurisprudence. “At this stage, we have to know in advance the extent of their understanding of the repatriation of the remains. This is important to do as a first step for the research team to get an idea of the real condition,” said Habib Jaelani on the sidelines of the activity. Meanwhile, it is related to the care of corpses in special conditions, such as those dying from Covid-19, people with infectious diseases, accident victims, mutilation victims, and other corpses that require special attention.
In this phase, UM collaborates with partners from hospitals and professionals to provide an overview to the students in caring for the remains. “What is no less important is to equip students by providing material in the form of prayers related to death events. Such as the way of mentalqin, tahlil, and other religious rituals including various sunnah in bathing the corpse,” said Prof. Dr. H. Yusuf Hanafi, professor of dirasat Islamiyah UM. The activity, which involved 120 participants consisting of students, diniyah madrasah teachers, and teachers of Darul Faqih Indonesia Junior High School, is expected to be able to produce a corpse repatriation team that is ready to be deployed to the general public. “The practice of caring for corpses if you only use dolls will not feel it directly, but we hope that later the participants will also participate in helping to take care of real corpses in the community. Of course, we will accompany and direct,” said Habib Jaelani.
Picture 2. Tim and participants
Meanwhile, M. Alifudin Ikhsan, M.Pd. The Head of Darul Faqih Indonesia Junior High School said that activities like this have been awaited for a long time, he is grateful that UM pays serious attention to the world of Islamic boarding schools, especially in terms of repatriation of corpses. “Our students are very enthusiastic in participating in this activity, they actively ask questions and discuss the treatment of corpses. Hopefully, activities like this can continue to be carried out and followed up,” said Ustadz Alif.