The Student Association of the Department Arabic Literature (SADAL), Faculty of Letters (FL) of the State University of Malang (UM) has succeeded in having virtual HAMAMAH. HAMAMAH stands for Khidmah Ijtima’iyyah Lil Ummah as a form of student service to the community. This activity will be held on Saturday, July 3, 2021, at 08.00-15.00 WIB. The target of this activity is junior high school and high school students. The theme of this activity is: “Calligraphy Training, Arabic Debate, and Arabic Sermons for Students in Malang Raya as a Form of Khidmah Ijtima’iyyah Lil Ummah (HAMAMAH)”. HAMAMAH activities are routine activities that are held once a year. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, this activity was carried out in a certain village that really needed it. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this activity had to be carried out virtually.
HAMAMAH 2021 contains three branches of training, namely: calligraphy training, Arabic debate, and arabiyyah sermons. The speakers in these three fields are SADAL FL UM UM and graduate who excel. There were a total of 7 presenters in this activity. There are twin Arabic calligraphy speakers, namely Muhammad Zahid Afifarrasyihab and Muhammad Zahid Afafarrasyihab, both of whom are champions in various National calligraphy competitions. The speakers for the debate consisted of 3 people, namely: Fakhrur Rozi, S. Pd, Arya Wahyu Pratama, and Iqbal Fathi Izzuddin. Fakhrur Rozi, S. Pd is the 1st Winner of the National Arabic Debate of UIN SGD, Best Speaker of the ASEAN USIM Debate Malaysia, 1st Winner & Best Speaker of the MTQ MN Arabic Debate, 3rd Place in the ASEAN UII B. Arab Debate, Best Speaker & 1st Place in the Debate B The ASEAN UII Arab, as well as the Best Non-Academic UM 2019 Graduate. Arya Wahyu Pratama is the 2nd Winner of the Halu Oleo University National Arabic Debate and the 2nd Winner of the UMM PBA Arabic Debate. Meanwhile, Iqbal Fathi Izzuddin won 2nd place in the Arabic Language Debate at the UINSA Zukhruf Festival, and 2nd Place in the UMM ALAFEST PBA Arabic Debate. In the branch of Khotobah Arabiyyah, there are three presenters, namely: Shovi Maryam, M.Pd. Muhammad Ahsan Thoriq and Moh. Rozy Zamroni. Shovi Maryam, M.Pd was the Finalist for the 2014 Indosiar Action, the 1st Place for the 2016 UIN SGD National Khatabah, the Best Graduate of UM 2018. Muhammad Ahsan Thoriq was the 2nd Place for the National Arabic Speech at the UINSA Surabaya Araby Festival 2017. Meanwhile, Moh. Rozy Zamroni 1st place in the Arabic speech in UM National Arabi Week 2016 and 3rd place in the 2018 UNJ National SAFAR Arabic speech.
Picture 1. Flyer
The material presented by the presenters is as follows. In Arabic calligraphy training, the material presented by Muhammad Zahid Afifarrasyihab was Understanding the Types of Calligraphy and Calligraphy Competitions in Indonesia, while Muhammad Zahid Afafarrasyihab delivered material with the title Getting to Know the Development of Contemporary Calligraphy from Time to Time. In the Arabic Debate training, the material presented by Fahrur Rosi S.Pd was Understanding the Concept of Debate from Various Perspectives, Arya Wahyu’s material with the theme Knowing Various Competitions and Arabic Debate Communities, and material presented by Iqbal Fathi is the Key to Success in Becoming a Language Debate. Reliable Arabic. In the Arabiyyah Sermon training, Shovi Maryam, M.Pd delivered material with the theme of Practicing Public Speaking Skills Through Khatabah Arabiyyah, the material presented by Muhammad Ahsan Thoriq entitled Some Tricks to Be Able to Do Arabiyyah Sermons, and the material presented by Moh. Rozy Zamroni are Tips to Win the Khatabah Contest. Participants in this activity consisted of junior high and high school students. The number is approximately 100 students from various schools in Malang Raya (Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City).
Picture 2. Activity Participants
The activity starts from 08.00-15.00 WIB. The activity began with the opening, which was held at 08.00-09.00 WIB. Followed by a presentation by the presenters at 09.00-15.00 WIB. The presentation was divided into three sessions. Session I Arabic Debate Training, Session II Arabic Calligraphy Training, and Session III Arabiyyah Sermon training. After the activity, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire related to the implementation of the activity. As a result, the participants stated that this activity was very interesting, the committee’s service was also very good, and this activity was considered very useful by them. They are very enthusiastic in participating in this activity and hope that such activities are routinely held by SADAL FL UM UM.