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4. Quality Education
Teaching Assistance Activities at SMAN 4 Malang

Teaching Assistance Activities at SMAN 4 Malang

[Yona Fauzia Salsabila] Department of English Literature

Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.

1 December 2021

[Learning and Students/Pembelajaran dan Aktivitas Mahasiswa]

[SDG 4]

The State University of Malang has organized Teaching Assistance Activities for its students. This Teaching Assistance activity starts from August 9, 2021, to November 15, 2021. The real purpose of this activity is to provide opportunities for students of the State University of Malang. They are interested or have an interest in the field of education to teach, deepen their knowledge, and improve the equitable distribution of the quality of primary and secondary education according to the development of science and technology. This activity is implemented at SMAN 4 Malang, one of the leading high schools in Malang City located on Tugu Utara Street No.1 Klojen, Klojen District, Malang City 65111. 

This Learning Assistance activity supports the achievement of SDG 4, quality education. It is hoped that this Learning Assistance Activity can help other students to increase their understanding, direct them to be more positive, raise aspirations and also introduce students to higher education. Therefore, they can be motivated to continue their education. 

The pandemic has made learning and learning activities hampered and less optimal. So, SMAN 4 Malang decided on offline and online methods. Cross-interest classes are conducted entirely online. Offline learning activities are carried out while still complying with health protocols. The activities in the first and second weeks are School Environment Orientation and Learning Observation through the Zoom application. Furthermore, in the third, fourth, and fifth weeks, learning activities are carried out online with Google Meeting (in the form of learning new materials and discussion of questions) and Whatsapp groups (in the form of practice questions and assignments). They are providing material through PowerPoint and working on assignments or quizzes through Google Forms. In the fifth week, the learners are also given group assignments. Learning begins to be carried out offline from the sixth to the tenth week. In the sixth week there was the provision of new material, in the seventh week there were group activities and analysis, in the eighth week there was a question exercise via Google Form, in the ninth-week students replaced partner school teachers to teach, and in the tenth week again conducted learning via Whatsapp group. For the tenth to the fourteenth week, the activities carried out are almost the same as the previous weeks, but in the fourteenth week, the students have to collect the final project from the school’s partner teachers, namely RPP ( Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran or Learning Implementation Plan) and a learning module.

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