Development of Teacher’s Skills and Creativity in Creating and Processing Virtual Interactive Learning Animation at SDN Sukodadi 2 Malang Regency
Departemen Seni dan Desain
Arif Sutrisno
Ima Kusumawati Hidayat
Muhammad Nurwiseso Wibisono
Naura Hafizha Anshori (Mahasiswa)
Nuha Fikriza Rosyadi (Mahasiswa)
Mamlu’atul Hikmah (Alumni)
Aqidatuz Zahro (AR)
November 24, 2021
Public Engagement
SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG 5
VILA (Virtual Interactive Learning Animation) combines subject matter with added animation and interaction elements presented in the virtual world. The hardware needed is a laptop as the primary data processor and an LCD projector to display the VILA in the classroom. The training subjects were teachers at SDN Sukodadi 2, Malang Regency, both permanent and temporary. In addition, more than the teaching methods teachers and history books is needed to motivate students learning processes and provide an accurate picture of their thinking processes. The use of ICT in learning activities in the classroom does not exist at all.
This VILA-based media simplification strategy is carried out by choosing the use of software commonly used by teachers, such as Powerpoint and software that is automatic and practical, so that ordinary people can directly use it. In addition, this activity also provides a database of design assets (presentation templates, character designs, property designs, etc.) to teachers so that they are not bothered with the process of designing and drawing because this is what takes a long time. So that way, the teacher can focus on the material and aspects of learning in the classroom using ICT. There are four stages in the activity, namely the Technological Literacy stage, the teacher is explained the use of ICT in learning. Ima Kusumawati Hidayat’s dedicated team delivered the material with the topic of Learning Media for Today’s Children; In the deepening stage of knowledge, teachers are invited to practice understanding related to technological literacy. Then, based on the lesson plans the teachers in the previous activity have made, the teacher begins developing technology-based teaching materials. The service team trained the teachers to make VILA with the help of the Animaker application and Microsoft Powerpoint; in the knowledge creation stage, the teacher is required to develop the VILA media that has been made; Broadly speaking, this training activity went smoothly and well. However, there are some performance problems. This shortcoming is related to the assessment results at the knowledge-deepening stage. There are only 2 out of 20 teachers who managed to get an excellent score. This means that many teachers still have not succeeded in providing an element of interaction in the VILA media. This problem is related to online training methods that cannot offer maximum assistance to teachers. In addition, the relatively short duration of activities made delivering material to mentoring unable to provide optimal skills.