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4. Quality Education
The University of Malang students provide collection management assistance

The University of Malang students provide collection management assistance

Taman Baca Merdekata is a reading park managed by Mrs. Linda Prestiwanti, located on Jl. Panglima Sudirman Gg. Established in 2018, the existing collections have over 700 copies with various titles and reading genres such as fairy tale books, comics, novels, bobo magazines, etc. The large number of existing collections has succeeded in attracting the interest of local children so that the average TBM visitor reaches 20 people every week.

The UM student group, chaired by Adhistya Dharma Kusuma, together with several friends, namely Aprilia Dwi Ariani, Firasya Salsabila Ramadhani, Melati Arum Pambudini, Roselle Edenia Amru, and Ulya Cahya Ramadani provided assistance in collection management at Taman Baca Merdekata. This activity was carried out as a form of implementation of the Information Cooperation and Networking course.

Carried out for approximately two weeks, this student group succeeded in managing the collection in the form of inventory data collection of books in Taman Baca Merdekata so that it can facilitate the maintenance and development of the display. The existing inventory data is in the form of an Excel file, making it easy to access and update. In addition, this group of students also labeled and classified or grouped the existing books and made a loan card for each book to become more organized.

To conclude this collaboration, Adhistya et al. invited children around the TBM location to hone their creativity by holding an “Origami Creation Class” on Sunday, November 27, 2022. The activity was held starting at 09.00 and ending at 11.00. Accompanied by two managers of Taman Baca Merdekata, 2 Karang Taruna from RW, and 6 UM students, this activity went smoothly, with 17 children aged 5-13 years attending.

Photo 1. UM students carry out management on the collection in Taman Baca Merdekata, Friday (11/18/2022)

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