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17. Partnership For The Goal
Universitas Negeri Malang Teaching Assistance Program in SMPN 1 Pakis

Universitas Negeri Malang Teaching Assistance Program in SMPN 1 Pakis

At the beginning of the Independent Learning Program – Independent Campus (MBKM) was officially launched in early 2020 by the Minister of Education and Culture. The government has launched several MBKM programs that aim to facilitate students before entering the real world of work. Each student must participate in one of the MBKM programs to be converted into several courses. One of the MBKM programs is Teaching Assistance in Education Units. In the English education department, it is recommended that students take part in Teaching Assistance because the program can improve soft skills and hard skills when teaching English to students. I took part in this Teaching Assistance program to practice my skills in teaching students and looking for new experiences so that they are later ready to face the real world of work. On February 6, 2023, I was sent to Pakis 1 Junior High School, Malang Regency, East Java, with 14 other colleagues from various study programs and faculties. A week before departure, the other participants and I prepared several requirements and things needed to carry out the Forum Group Discussion. We need a Forum Group Discussion because we need an agreement with the tutor regarding the work program we are making. The day before handing it over to the school, we carried out school observations  first because this was  one of the requirements  for participating in

We were teaching Assistance. After carrying out the observation, we received a letter from the school that we had carried out the school observation and sent it to LP3 UM. Then, the next day, we carried out the Teaching Assistance Student handover event, which was accompanied by one of the supervisors appointed by LP3 UM, the PPKN field supervisor. He helped us explain our purpose in carrying out this Teaching Assistance activity. Our goal is to carry out Teaching Assistance at SMPN 1 Pakis, an effort to improve the learning process at SMPN 1 Pakis following the times (using technology as much as possible).

Picture 1: The First Meeting with The Teacher

We will carry out activities to hand over Teaching Assistance students and carry out Forum Group Discussions with tutors regarding work program activities while at SMPN 1 Pakis. We will discuss what is needed and what needs to be improved at SMPN 1 Pakis. From these activities, we learned that the learning process at SMPN 1 Pakis was not maximal in using technology because of the limitations of technology, and not all teachers could use technology as a medium of learning well. For example, when learning English, the teacher will explain the material manually by writing it on the blackboard. This has led us to propose several work programs in the academic field, such as learning using PowerPoint media, YouTube videos (audio visual), and Quizizz to improve and support the learning process at SMPN 1 Pakis. However, before we started to teach in several grades of 8, we made observations in several classes by observing our teacher while teaching students.

Picture 2: Teaching English with Quizizz

After a week, we made classroom observations and prepared the learning process by designing lesson plans; we started teaching in several classes. I was given the responsibility to lead class 8F. I was nervous the first time I introducing some 8th graders because I had yet to gain teaching experience. Even though I was scared, I still tried to give my best when I explained the material so that the students could understand the material well. We use technology for the English learning process, namely by using PowerPoint. In addition, we as teaching staff must be their friends and not let them think we are teachers so that we are comfortable when interacting during the learning process. Outside class hours, I often ask them about video games they like, open experience-sharing sessions (sharing each other’s stories) and speak in Javanese so it will be comfortable. Apart from teaching 8th grade, we are also ready to replace teachers who cannot attend and supervise their classes. Luckily, I teach class 8F because this has been an extraordinary experience for me. After all, the students in class 8F are challenging to manage. The positive side is that I have learned how to deal with difficult children, and I have seen each individual’s character in grade 8F. It is said that being naughty is not; it’s just that they are too lazy to do the task. From this, I take value from their activeness during the learning process. Also, the students of class 8F were busy when I explained, so I would always say, “Eyes on me,” and they would answer, “Eyes on you,” with their hands pointing forward.

Picture 3: Teaching English with the creative PowerPoint

After five months, we have carried out our duties to the best of our ability. We can take so many experiences from this teaching assistance activity. So many memories ranging from joy and sorrow experiences from all of the teaching assistant participants and members of SMPN 1 Pakis. I am very grateful to be able to take part in the Teaching Assistance program at SMPN 1 Pakis. In the future, I can apply what I have gained during the five months of carrying out this activity.

Picture 4: Last meeting with students

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