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17. Partnership For The Goal
Kampus Mengajar Program in SDN Pekojan 03

Kampus Mengajar Program in SDN Pekojan 03

A program called Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka as we know as MBKM has been launched by The Minister of Education and Culture in Indonesia. The program has so many different sub-programs, including Kampus Mengajar, Magang dan Studi Indepen Bersertifikat, Pertukaran Pelajar, etc. On this occasion, I have the opportunity to join one of the programs from MBKM. I chose Kampus Mengajar because the program was linear with my major which is English Language Education. The program will be placed in a school to improve literacy and numeracy abilities for students in the school. I was placed in Sekolah Dasar Negeri Pekojan 03, West Jakarta, with two other colleagues. The program will occur around four months.

Picture 1 : The first meeting with the school principal and pamong teacher

At the beginning of the program, each participant of Kampus Mengajar receives orientation regarding the activities they will carry out in the placement school for about a week. Then all the participants attended an opening ceremony held on Dinas Pendidikan. On the day after the ceremony, all the participants have started officiating in their respective placement schools. For the first week, I only do the observation while trying to analyze which program will be suitable for school’s and students’ needs. And for the next week, my team and I started to implement the program we made. There are 10 programs, which are Morning reading, Kelas Intensif Membaca dan Menghitung, Mimbar Bebas, Mading, English Day, Operasi Semut dan S.U.P.E.R, Bakti Ramadhan, Jarimatika, Penataan Ulang Perpustakaan dan Pengoptimalan Pojok Baca, and Ekstrakurikuler TIK until the end of Kampus Mengajar program.

Picture 2 : TIK (Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komputer) Activity

The program mostly was implemented to students from fourth until fifth grade. The interesting programs that are always students’ favorite are TIK,Morning Reading, Mimbar Bebas, Mading, and English Day. The program involves activities that use student creativity, so that many students really enjoy these activities. For TIK activities, students were enjoying using a computer to learn about how to run Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, especially for Microsoft Powerpoint, students were amazed by the features of Slides’ movement, transition, design, and animation. Then, in the Morning Reading activity, students can tell each book they have read according to their creations. Likewise with Mimbar Bebas, which involve students’ talents and interests, students can show their talents and interests in Mimbar Bebas activities. Also on English Day, students can show their talents at the beginning of the activity. The games on English Day were quite different from other games, which were a lot of fun for them so they were really excited. I was also very excited to teach them English. Even the students sometimes were confused, but they didn’t give up on learning.

Picture 3 : The Performance of pantomime show

The unforgettable moment for me was when I trained students to do a pantomime show, but the show used an English song with pantomim. There were two students who joined the pantomim, in which the girl was to sing and the boy was to do a pantomime. I trained how to sing properly in English and trained how to do the pantomim, whereas I didn’t know about how to do the pantomim before. But I tried my best to teach them. I used Youtube and Google to learn about pantomim. Then, the students and I were discussing how to make the right movement. Then we tried to combine the movements to look suitable with the song. The students were completely excited to perform the pantomim show. When the students performed on English Day, all the students were cheerful to see the pantomim show. Then, after English Day, some students came over to ask about how to join the performance of a pantomime show for the next event.

Picture 4 : Students from fourth grade

At the end of the program,I got so many lessons from participating in the Kampus Mengajar Program. I learned about how to be a teacher, how to make a unique and interesting activity, how to deal with students’ characteristics, how to create a good atmosphere while

teaching students in a classroom, how to collaborate with other teacher to create an activity, how to manage a class, and so many other things which I never got before. I’m so grateful to meet all of the teachers in SDN Pekojan 03, they always support and help me in every situation including when my team and I were confused to deal with something that we don’t understand. Also I learned that economic and educational parents’ backgrounds are very important to raise a child. Some of the teachers gave me an illustration about how we can manage students with that background, they gave me tips to manage students’ behavior. I was thankful for being a part of Kampus Mengajar Program and part of SDN Pekojan 03.

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