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Participation of UM Arabic Language Education Students in the Implementation of the Teaching Assistance CoE Program at SMAN 1 Turen

Department of Arabic Literature 

Lutvia Trinanda

Dr. Hanik Mahliatussikah, M. Hum

Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd

Moh. Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Pd.I

October 30, 2021

Learning and Students

SDG 17

Malang – The Center of Excellence for Teaching Assistance is one of the sub-programs of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) held by the Ministry of Education and Culture, intending to get an off-campus learning experience for students. The Arabic Language Education study program State University of Malang is one of the leading study programs that have the opportunity to implement the MBKM CoE Teaching Assistance program.

The Arabic Language Education study program has collaborated with various school partners in Malang and outside Malang City. One of the partners that collaborate is SMA Negeri 1 Turen, which is located in Malang Regency. Implementing this program began with the handover process from the Arabic Literature department to partner institutions via zoom, carried out on August 9, 2021, accompanied by the Head of the Literature Department, Arabic Dr. Hanik Makhliatussikah, M.Hum. This process was also attended by Field Assistant Lecturers (DPL) and Field Assistant Teachers (GPL) from each partner institution for students who carried out 

this activity. is Latvia Trinanda. After going through the submission process, the Arabic Literature Department held a briefing for the students before being parachuted directly to the partner school concerned. The debriefing given includes the Learning of qiro’ah, istima’, kalam, kitabah, mufrodat, and tarkib. Do not forget also teaching practice activities that aim to strengthen students before teaching to the school directly.

Students were parachuted directly to a partner school, SMA Negeri 1 Turen, on August 16, 2021. Then, for one month, students were assigned to make curriculum tools and teaching material devices for Arabic Language and Literature subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Turen. After all, devices related to learning activities are completed, students are ready to carry out teaching activities (micro teaching) to students. During this pandemic, learning activities at SMA Negeri 1 Turen are carried out with a blended learning system. Blended Learning is a combination of face-to-face teaching and online teaching. When Learning is carried out face-to-face, students are divided into two classes. Where each class is only filled with 15-17 students. Of course, face-to-face learning activities are carried out by complying with health protocols.

The CoE Teaching Assistance activity at SMA Negeri 1 Turen not only carries out teaching activities but also helps the library administration process and conducts Arabic class training for the Organization of the Islamic Da’wah Agency (BDI) SMA Negeri 1 Turen. In addition, every Friday, students, together with teachers and students, hold a blessing Friday activity, where students bring cakes, rice boxes, and drinks to be distributed to the community around SMA Negeri 1 Turen. Students also help with whiteness activities for female students, and this activity is routinely held every Friday. In addition to Friday blessings and whiteness on Fridays, there are also clean Friday activities, where students and students clean the school environment.

During the implementation of the Teaching Assistance CoE program at SMA Negeri 1 Turen, we gained a lot of benefits and experiences. Teaching students with a variety of characteristics is one of the challenges for us. Because there are some students with non-Muslim religious backgrounds, so we prepare and process the material so that it is easy for them to accept and learn. In addition to teaching, we also learn to prepare ourselves as competent educators in the future. On the other hand, students who take part in the Teaching Assistance CoE program get a conversion of 20 credits of courses for one semester, which is carried out outside of college. Of course, this is very attractive to students because they can jump directly and interact with teachers and students. Due to the many benefits and experiences of the Teaching Assistance CoE program, it is hoped that this program will continue to the next batch by conducting a reasonably mature debriefing.

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