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Center of Excellence: SMP Darul Faqih Indonesia is one of the partners of the Teaching Assistance program for students of the Arabic Literature Department of FS UM

Department of Arabic Literature 

Moh. Ikhwan Faidlur Ruhman 

Nazwan Hamzah

Dr. Hanik Mahliatussikah, M. Hum

Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd

Dr. Faris Khoirul Anam, Lc, M.H.I

Moh. Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Pd.I

7 November 2021

Public Engagement  

SDG 17

Students are young intellectuals who have a role not only for themselves but also for society, nation, and state. Students occupy the status at the highest intellectual level, a young age with still strong idealism. One of the roles of students is the guardian of values, and a student must be able to maintain the good values in society.

The prolonged pandemic has moved students to maintain their roles by bringing up various innovations. CoE (Center of Excellent) teaching assistance is one of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka) programs as an experiential learning for students, which is very useful as part of shaping the personal value of graduates of a study program.

JSA FS UM has taken wise steps to participate in the success of MBKM through this Teaching Assistance program. This program provides an opportunity for students interested in the field of education to participate in teaching and deepen their knowledge by becoming a teacher companion in school. Students will receive direction and guidance through Field Supervisors (DPL) and Field Supervisors (GPL), which last for four months, starting from August to November. For four months, students will be forged with direct teaching practice activities in the education unit. Not only teaching activities but also students are required to take part in the management of school administration in their respective educational units.

Darul Faqih Junior High School Malang-Indonesia is one of the educational unit partners that are a party to collaborate with the Department of Arabic Literature, the State University of Malang, in this program. Two students have been appointed by JSA FS UM to take part in the Teaching Assistance program at Darul Faqih Junior High School Indonesia, namely Moh. Ikhwan Faidlur Ruhman and Nazwan Hamzah, students of S1 Arabic Language Education semester 5. The activity took place under the guidance of Ustadz Faris Khoirul Anam, Lc, M.HI as DPL and Ustadz Fakhrur Rozi, S.Pd as GPL. Students are given the opportunity to teach directly in classes 7A and 8A while still being accompanied by GPL during the program. In addition, students are also given the opportunity to take part in making textbooks with GPL during this program. The book is written in the form of examples of muhadatsah (conversations) according to specific themes. The advantages of this pocketbook are that it is small and easy to carry, with the hope that it can become a handle for students of SMP Darul Faqih Indonesia, both during KBM activities in class and outside the classroom.

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