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JSA FS UM Students Contribute a Lot to the Teaching Program

Department of Arabic Literature 

Shirly Amalia Hanum

Farhan Zaki Audani

Dr. Hanik Mahliatussikah, M. Hum

Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd

Moh. Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Pd.I

23 October 2021

Public Engagement  

SDG 17

Teaching Assistance is a sub-program of the Center of Excellence (CoE), which is a policy of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka or commonly called MBKM. forms of learning activities carried out by students under the guidance of teachers and supervisors in formal education units.

Teaching activities in this academic unit are carried out for one semester (equivalent to 20 credits). Schools where teaching practices can be located in the student’s home area or in underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas. For Partner Institution that collaborates with the program and JSA UM of them is SMP Islam As Shodiq Kuwolu Bululawang, Malang Regency.

This program began with the submission of 2 students, namely me, Shirly Amalia Hanum, and my friend Farhan Zaky Audani under the guidance of Ustadz Dr. Kholisin, M.Hum, as DPL (field supervisor) and Ustadz Moh. Fauzan, S.Pd, M.Pd.I and Ustadzah Mirsa, S.Pd as Arabic and GPL teachers (field assistant teachers) to partner institutions, namely SMPI As Shodiq Bululawang by the head of the UM Arabic literature department, namely Dr. Hanik Mahliatussikah, M. Hum. Through a Zoom meeting on August 14, 2021. Moreover, students start activities at school offline starting August 18, 2021.

During the four months of this activity program, students who served at SMP Islam As Shodiq were given tasks, including being an Arabic teacher in grades 7 to 9, arranging and inputting library book data, teaching extracurricular languages, especially the Arabic Club, and much more. In its implementation, students are expected to be able to help and alleviate activities at the school by providing some creativity and innovation that can be used or applied by school residents in the long term.

In their teaching activities, students here also have the opportunity to learn to make and compile learning tools such as Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), Syllabi, Annual Programs (Prota), and Semester Programs (Promes). These activities include honing students to be the ability to create and add experiences as well as in exchange for lectures.

Then the Arabic Club, where students teach more intensively, students who are interested in exploring Arabic lessons start by giving material and exemplifying introductions to Arabic. Then students are told to practice it, and after that, students teach students khitobah, taqdim al qishah, and MC Arabic, which will be displayed every month. The existence of the Center of Excellence Program makes students’ mindsets more honed to show and appreciate their creativity and innovation aimed at the school’s partner institutions. There are so many valuable experiences and benefits obtained by students during this program; of course, we can feel firsthand how to teach students, adding insight into knowledge for students, especially the Education department.

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