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Teaching Assistance Activities at SMP Negeri 6 Malang

Department of English Language Teaching

[Mahasiswa] Arrisa Ravana Utami

Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.

15 December 2021

Learning and Students/Pembelajaran dan Aktivitas Mahasiswa

SDG 4, SDG 17

Malang State University (UM) students conduct Field Studies and Practices and continue with the Teaching Assistance program as a form of a program that is in accordance with the contents of Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 from the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture on National Higher Education Standards (SNDikti ) related to innovative learning. This activity was also carried out by a student of the Department of English, Arrisa Ravana Utami, with the implementation of teaching assistance at State Junior High School (SMPN) 6 Malang. The Teaching Assistance Program held by the State University of Malang has been implemented at SMP Negeri 6 Malang with an estimated time of two months, starting from August 9, 2021, to September 17, 2021. The activity aims to design and implement an innovative learning process so that students can meet learning outcomes, which cover aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills optimally. The Field Study and Practice activities and the Teaching Assistance program were carried out at SMP Negeri 6 Malang, which is located on Jalan Kawi number 15A, in Bareng, Klojen District, Malang City.

The Teaching Assistance Program implemented at State Junior High School (SMPN) 6 Malang includes activities in academic, non-academic, school administration, and the use of technology in learning. The academic activities carried out are: preparing lesson plans (RPP), PowerPoint as a learning medium, assessment instruments, and providing teaching and learning activities with students online and offline. Then, for non-academic activities, it consists of coaching students at State Junior High School (SMPN) 6 Malang who take English extracurricular activities. It also adapts Google Classroom as a place to replace offline classes. 

Picture 1. [Online learning through Whatsapp group discussion]

Picture 2 & 3. [Online learning through Google Classroom and Quizziz]

Picture 4&5. [Offline/Onsite learning]

Picture 6. [Some students of Class 7.7]

Then, in implementation activities, teaching and learning activities are carried out online and offline with an alternating system of odd and even absent numbers. The author carries out teaching and learning activities in class 7.7 with 31 students. The implementation of online learning activities for students begins with uploading attendance, materials, and assignments into Google Classroom for each English lesson. The implementation of learning activities for offline students is an interactive activity in the classroom that involves teachers and students. The technology adaptation in learning activities carried out by the author is to create technology-based media such as Google Classroom, Google Form, Quizizz, and Voice Power Points. Because learning is also carried out online, the creation of technology-based media is very helpful for teachers to connect with students. The use of Google Classroom is as a forum for students to carry out online learning. Apart from WhatsApp Groups, in Google Classroom, students can see attendance, materials, and assignments given by the teacher. The use of Google forms for students is used for assignments or practice questions to make it easier for students to do assignments and make it easier for teachers to assess student work.

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