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Department of Arabic Literature Faculty of Letters State University of Malang 

The Arabic Language Education Expertise Group Seminar has been successfully held by the Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (DAL FL UM). This activity will be held on Saturday 27 February 2021 at 13.00-16.00 WIB. The theme of the activity is: “Current Issues in Arabic Language Education Research”. The activity was carried out virtually with the help of the Zoom application, considering the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia and the world.

The activity began with the opening and continued with the delivery of material by Arabic language education experts. The activity was opened directly by the Dean of FL UM, namely: Prof. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D. The Dean of FS UM welcomed this event, he hoped that this event would be used as a momentum to add insight to the participants in Arabic language education research so that new, more actual researches were expected to emerge.

After the opening, the event continued with the delivery of material by Arabic education experts. There were 4 presenters in the activity, namely: (1) Dr. Ahme Elaraby Taha from Al-Azhar Ash-Sharief Egypt, (2) Dr. Irhamni, M.Pd from Malang State University, (3) Dr. Dewi Chamidah, M.Pd from UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, and (4) Retno Purnama Irawati, S.S., M.A from Semarang State University. Dr. Ahme Elaraby Taha delivered a material entitled Maudhu’at “al-Bahts al-Ilmi al-khaliyyah fi al-Syarq al-Ausath”. Dr. Irhamni, M.Pd delivered material entitled al-Daris wa Najahihi Ka Qadhiyyah Mu’ashirah li albahs al-Ilmi fi Tadris al-Lughoh al-Arabiyyah. Dr. Dewi Chamidah, M.Pd presented the material with the title Qadhaya Mu’asyirah fi al-Bahts al-Ilmi ‘an Ta’lim al-Lughoh al-‘Arabiyyah. Retno Purnama Irawati, S.S., M.A delivered a material with the theme “Recent research on Covid 19 in language and linguistics”.

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Picture 1. Flyer

Although this seminar is on a national scale, the participants in this activity come from 18 countries. The total number of participants in the activity was 452 participants, with details of 252 participants from Indonesia and 200 participants from abroad. The participating countries are Indonesia, Iraq, Egypt, Malaysia, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Iran, Nigeria, Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Lebanon, Mali, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Australia, Burkina Faso (West Africa), Tunisia, Sudan, Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa), Russia and Ghana. The participants’ response was also very positive with this seminar, they hoped that in the near future JSA FS UM would be pleased to make a seminar like this. This was also reinforced by the results of the lift that had been distributed to the participants after the activity. 85.3% of participants stated that the implementation of this activity was very good and 14.7% said it was good. 75.2% said that the theme of this activity was very interesting and 24.8% said it was good. 79% of participants stated that the presentation of the presenters was very good and 21% said it was good.

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