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Department of Arabic Literature Faculty of Letters State University of MalangĀ 

Head of the Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (UM) Dr. Hanik Mahliatussikah, M.Hum, Friday (5/8) dispatched 20 students in the Teaching program at the Independent Learning Center of Excellence (CoE)-Independent Campus to partner institutions from Java to Papua. The 20 students were selected students who passed the selection held internally by JSA FS UM. Of the 20 students, 19 of them are class 2019 and 1 student is from class 2017. Given that this program focuses on the element of Excellence, this activity partner does not only involve formal institutions, but also involves non-formal institutions. In total there are 13 JSA partner institutions in this activity, namely: PP. Darul Faqih Malang Indonesia, Darul Faqih Indonesia Middle School, PIQ Singosari Malang, As-Shodiq Bululawang Junior High School, Turen 1 Senior High School Malang, Sabilurrosyad Junior High School Malang, Krian Sidoarjo Al-Islam High School, Al-Mubarok Madrasah Panceng Gresik, Diniyah Al-Hidayah Madrasah Pacul Permai Bojonegoro, Islamic High School Al-Ma’arif Singosari Malang, MI Ya Bunayya Manokwari West Papua, MTsN 7 Blitar, and Madrasah Diniyah Darussalam Wonodadi Blitar.

Picture 1. Opening by the Head of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang

Teaching activities in schools are one of the Center Of Excellence (CoE) programs. CoE is a national pilot program mandated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters UM. In this activity, students are given the opportunity to practice their knowledge directly in all school activities, whether teaching, developing learning tools, developing learning media, developing teaching materials, developing learning evaluation tools, as well as other activities in relevant schools.

Picture 2. Activity Participants CoE

The implementation of this activity was carried out for 5 months from August to December. Moh. Fauzan, M.Pd.I as the coordinator of this program said that in order for this activity to be carried out properly, the CoE Lecturer team of JSA FS UM had carried out long preparations from March to July. During the preparation stage, the team coordinated several times. In this coordination, several important decisions were taken regarding concept maturation, course conversion for students involved in this activity, partner institutions, and activities that must be carried out by students when they enter the field.

Partners of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, UM welcomed the teaching activities in schools which were one of the CoE program activities. They were very enthusiastic about waiting for the arrival of students who took part in this activity at their school. They feel that way because they know that JSA FS UM students are known to have good teaching skills. Islahudiin, M.Pd.I, Head of SMPI Sabilurrusyad Gasek Malang, said that the presence of students who will carry out this activity is expected to improve the quality of existing learning. This was agreed by the Head of SMPI As-Shodiq Bululawang Malang, Drs. Kh. A. Badrusslama, he added that the existence of JSA FS UM students in this program is expected to bring up innovative breakthroughs in learning.

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