Universitas Negeri Malang Lecturers make Skill Drilling Models in Typography Course Learning to Create Advanced Typography Skills to Support the Merdeka Learning Program – Merdeka Campus
Departemen Seni dan Desain
Yon Ade Lose Hermanto, M.Sn
Dr. Pujiyanto, M.Sn
Andreas Syah Pahlevi, M.Sn
Farikh Abdul Aziz
Shinta Valen Rahmaudhyna
September 12, 2021
Public Engagement
SDG 6, SDG 9, SDG 17
The skill drilling method is one method that is carried out or applied by giving exercises to students repeatedly until specific skills can be mastered. Therefore, the Skill Drill Method development program in the Typography course, an introductory course in design science, is appropriate to be applied in universities with DKV study programs. Furthermore, because this method will train students towards advanced skills according to industry standards, for this reason, a team of lecturers consisting of lecturers from the faculty of literature at the State University of Malang, namely Yon Ade Lose Hermanto, M.Sn, Dr. Pujiyanto, M.Sn, and Andreas Syah Pahlevi, M.Sn in 2021 researched to improve students’ abilities in attending lectures.
With good scheduling, considering the management of time, energy, and other subject projects, drilling skills can be recommended for use in DKV courses, especially those with basic studio projects. Besides strengthening hard design skills and quick thinking by using many reference visual studies, it can also be used to practice student time management. The tighter the time is given, the more significant number of assignments; it turns out that it stimulates student motivation to complete each task correctly and on time.
Figure 1. Book Cover
This research output is a book for Typography, theory, application, and cases. This book has an ISBN and has also become a textbook for typography courses for DKV students, especially at the State University of Malang. This activity supports SDG 4, namely Quality Education, especially in terms of providing access for the general public to lecture materials.