Challenging Experiences at Education Office of Malang Regency
Departemen Sastra Inggris
Ratih Rosmalia Saputri
2 December 2021
SDG 1, 4, 8, 10, 17
Learning and Students
From the early August to the end of November 2021, one of English Language and Literature students came to Education Office of Malang Regency to conduct an internship program. The aim of joining this program was to carry out an obligation to do the internship program. However, it turned out that she could collect some data for her undergraduate thesis. The office was located at Jalan Panarukan, Kepanjen, Malang Regency.
The Education Office has five main fields, including elementary school field, pre-school field, junior high school field, secretariat or administration field, and technical personnel field. The student of English Language and Literature was placed at the technical personnel division. This division deals with any kind of technical stuff of teachers, supervisors, and principals of pre-school, elementary school and junior high school throughout Malang Regency. The duties of the technical personnel division are to foster the career of educators, improve the quality of educators, coordinate legal protection for educators and education staff, and coordinate the implementation of seminars and trainings.
The student’s job was to help some staff and head of section to copy some documents and give some documents to some teachers and principals. However, at the third week of doing this program, the student had to substitute one of the staff who was on paid-leave period. This made the student’s tasks more numerous, such as making pension letters for teachers, principals, and elementary school supervisors; making invitation letters or recommendations for the head of the analysis section; making documents for periodic salary increases for teachers and principals; inputting letter numbers; and becoming a committee member for some training outside the office.
The hard yet challenging job the student ever had was doing data collection of the periodic salary increases registration of elementary school teachers throughout Malang Regency. It required the student to check bundles of the necessary documents, whether they were already completed or still needed some additional attachments. The new fun part of this program was when the student became one of the committee members of principals and supervisors training in Grand Pujon View Hotel and Radho Hotel Malang.
The student met a lot of people from low to high-ranking superiors. This caused a different pattern of interaction, because the communication in the workplace was influenced by several factors, such as education, age, experiences, gender, personality, and position or power embedded in every individual. There were some ways to perform the power in a workplace, one of which was the way how leaders uttered a sentence to order their subordinates. From this pattern of daily interaction, the student decided to make it as the main idea of her research. Therefore, from the first week of November until the end of the program, the student collected some data in the form of daily conversations for her undergraduate thesis.
Ratih Rosmalia Saputri
Fakultas Sastra / Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris