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4. Quality Education
Enhancing Arabic Language Skills: Day 8 of the Holiday Program Balai Bahasa x SAC UM 2024

Enhancing Arabic Language Skills: Day 8 of the Holiday Program Balai Bahasa x SAC UM 2024

Faculty of Letter

Nayadiva Puspita Maharani

July 11, 2024

Learning and Students


On the eighth day of the “Holiday Program: Learning World Languages,” held on July 10, 2024, the primary objective was to introduce and develop participants’ Arabic language skills through structured and interactive activities. The day began with an introductory session, during which participants and students from SAC Arabic introduced themselves to create a friendly and conducive learning environment.

Following the introductions, participants engaged in a session dedicated to learning Arabic vocabulary. This session introduced them to essential words and phrases commonly used in everyday Arabic conversations. This learning experience involved pronouncing the words, understanding their meanings, and using them appropriately in different contexts.

After the vocabulary session, participants moved on to learning “Kitabatul Arabiah,” or Arabic writing. This session focused on introducing Arabic letters, their writing techniques, and forming simple words. Participants were taught the correct writing techniques and exercises to strengthen their understanding of Arabic script and structure.

After the learning sessions, participants were given a 15-minute break. This time was utilized for a brief rest and preparation for the following activities. Following the break, the program continued with educational games designed to reinforce the understanding and usage of Arabic vocabulary. These games were enjoyable and effective in enhancing language skills through interactive and engaging methods.

Overall, the eighth day provided a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience. Through various structured and interactive activities, participants strengthened their Arabic language skills, learned the language, and enriched their understanding of Arabic culture.

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