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17. Partnership For The Goal
CoE JSA FS UM: Gaining Experience and Knowledge as a Prospective Qualified Educator

CoE JSA FS UM: Gaining Experience and Knowledge as a Prospective Qualified Educator

Departemen Sastra Arab

Ayu Anggraeni Wulansari

4 November 2021

Learning and Students

SDG 17

State Univesity of Malang or UM is one of the state universities in Indonesia that excels in the field of edcation. Departement of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang or often referred to as JSA FS UM is one of the majors at UM which in 2021 received superior accreditation, namely the Best Arabic Language Education Dpartement in Indionesia, so that JSA FS UM students are considered superior in the field of teaching compared to JSA other, especially Arabic Language Education (PBA) in Indonesia. JSA FS UM was appointed to participate in the Center of Excellence (CoE) Program to provide examples of the implementation of the program.

What is CoE? Check out the following explanation! CoE is one of the programs from Merdeka Learning-Independence Campus which consist of 8 activities including student exchanges, interships/work practices, teaching in schools, research humanitarian projects, enterpreneurial activities, independent studies, and thematic community service activities. JSA FS UM chooses 4 activities that students can participate in, namely student exchange, intership/work practice, teaching in schools, and research.

D:\SEMESTER 5_PBA_UM\Dokumentasi\WhatsApp Image 2021-09-13 at 13.34.09.jpeg

Picture 1. [Documentation during PTMT learning activities, in the Class 8.2 MTsN 7 Blitar]

In the case, we will discuss one of the activities chosen by JSA FS UM, namely teaching activities in schools or can be called teaching assistance activities. This teacing assistance activity is an activity carried out in the education unit to provide flexibility for students who follow to become educators who can design, compile, and implement learning plans, learning prosesses, assesment of learning outcomes, analysis of learning outcomes, reporting of learning outcomes, education management, and other educational administration.

This activity was carried out by JSA FS UM students who registered and were selected by the organizers accompanied by Field Assistant Lecturers (DPL) and Field Assistant Teachers (GPL). One of the teaching activities in schools or teacing assistance is at MTsN 7 Blitar. In practice, as prospective educators, we can learn many things in participating in CoE activities, especially teaching at this scool/teacing assistance.

MTsN 7 Blitar which is one of the school level (junior high school) in Mojorejo Village Wates District, Blitar Regerency, East Java. Because it is an educational unit under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), MTsN 7 Blitar has Arabic subjects that are intended for Class VII to Class IX.

This JSA FS UM student who is practicing at MTsN 7 Blitar can experience firshand how to be an educator, especially being an educator in learning Arabic. We come to know how the stages that must be carried out in the learning process start from compiling learning tools (syllabus, annual program, semester program, and learning process design), compiling learning media, providing materials, to reporting learning activities.

In addition, we can feel firsthand how to deal with students. Because we are still in the Covid-19 pandemic, we also feel how to be educators who carry out online learning and during the implementation of Limited Face-to-face Meetings (PTMT) who continue to comply with health protocol rules (prokes) so that they can experience offline learning, thus gaining a lot of benefits experience.

In addition to learning activities, partipating in teaching activities in schools/teaching assistance can provide other experiences. For example in terms of dealing with students outside of learning, learning in school library mangement, activities in commemoration of National Holidays (HBN) and Islamic Holidays (HBI) in school, and administrative managemenr. So by participating in the CoE Program, especially teaching activities in school or teaching assistance, this will provide many provisions for students as prospective educators who are experienced and create future innovations. Very interesting isn’t it? 

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