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Picture 1. The process of giving donated books to the librarian

English language education students, Mochamad Dilan Fajrul Falah, Firda Qatrunnada, Tantri Oktaviandini Suherman, Tsania Fitri Ishmah Fillah, and Wiji Lestari April Liya, carried out a literacy project, which is taught by Sari Karmina, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. This is one of the efforts to fulfill the pillars of SDG, quality education, which ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all. As one of the most important pillars of SDG, there are many factors in improving the quality of education, and in this case, literacy has become one of the supportive factors.

This project was carried out in a school library with the theme ‘Petualangan Negeri Literasi‘ conducted from November 8, 2023 to December 9, 2023. This activity was carried out in collaboration with several related parties, such as the MINU Bululawang school which is located in Jl. Suropati Raya No.63, Kec. Bululawang, Kab. Malang, Jawa Timur. Also, several supporting parties in realizing this service program, such as the book waqf organization ‘Sygma Daya Insani’.

Petualangan Negeri Literasi’ project was welcomed by MINU Bululawang. We conducted this project because there was an urgency in literacy programs, especially for the school which was located in rural areas with the limitation in accessing or having the facilities for implementing literacy programs. These programs aimed to make it easier for schools and students to develop literacy programs based on a needs analysis that had been evaluated so that they met the literacy needs of existing programs at MINU Bululawang. The programs offered are the Gerbang Pengetahuan, Buku Berkah, and socialization.

Picture 2. Sticking the posters on the wall

In the Gerbang Pengetahuan program, college students provided various knowledge posters that cover the library walls. Not only that they also made an origami hanger containing various language, numeracy, culture, and science knowledge. With this program, it was hoped that it could attract MINU Bululawang students to visit the library regularly which would increase interest in reading and improve the quality of education in the MINU Bululawang library.

In carrying out the Buku Berkah program, the college students collaborated with the book waqf organization Sygma Daya Insani and also other funding. This activity was held in line with the lack of student reading materials in the MINU Bululawang library. Students of MINU Bululawang admitted that the available books were limited, so they easily got bored by reading the same book several times. To solve this, college students collected books and took them to the library.

Picture 3. The process of socializing ‘Buku Berkah’ to the students

The socialization is the continuation of the previous programs which are Gerbang Pengetahuan and Buku Berkah. In this stage, college students introduced the programs to students and teachers; and how they could take the benefits and use the items in the library appropriately. College students invited the students to read together and promote the 6th literacies: reading and writing literacies, numeracy literacies, science literacies, cultural and civil literacies, digital literacies, and financial literacies. Through this socialization, hopefully, the school can implement and apply the literacy programs for keeps.

All in all, the development and improvement of literacy programs have played a major role in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. This literacy project which the college students hold is expected to have a good effect on the improvement of the ‘Gerakan Literasi Sekolah‘. Besides that, this project is expected to show a movement for academic change in improving the quality of education in Indonesia by encouraging school literacy activities.

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