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[Implementation of the Teaching Campus Programs in SD Islam Plus Al Madinah]

The Teaching Campus program is one of the MBKM programs introduced by the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makariem, in early 2021. MBKM programs have various benefits for the participants, including participation directly in the work field. The Teaching Campus is the most suitable and beneficial for university students in the education field. The Teaching Campus program gives opportunities to university students to be involved in a real-life teaching situations and contribute to the Indonesian education field. University students throughout Indonesia follow this program and involve elementary and junior high school students as the target audience. This program lasts four months, from February 20, 2023, to June 12, 2023. The Teaching Campus program aims to involve university students in becoming partners with educational institutions and learning to solve complex problems, fostering creativity and innovation in learning, with the expectation that it will impact Indonesian education, mainly to strengthen literacy and numeracy teaching in schools. This program is implemented in various elementary and junior high schools throughout Indonesia, including SD Islam Plus Al Madinah.

The series of activities in the Teaching Campus program begins with debriefing. Through this activity, all the Teaching Campus participants are given various functional materials that may be needed when assigned to targeted schools. After debriefing, participants coordinated with the field supervisor, according to the assignment group. After coordination, all the participants begin the program at the assigned school. Each group also needs to do observations in the first week to know and understand the condition of the school. Later, work programs suitable for the school will be determined and implemented with the approval of the field supervisor and the school.

After discussing with the school and the field supervisor, the work programs designed for SD Islam Plus Al Madinah have been determined. Considering the objectives of the Teaching Campus program, several programs to improve numeracy literacy and support SGD 4 have been planned.

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Picture 1. Process of making reading corner

First, make reading corners in each SD Islam Plus Al Madinah class. This school does not have a library and limited school buildings, so making and decorating a reading corner in each category is necessary. With the reading corner, it was expected that students would have more interest in reading books. As seen in Picture 1, it was making a reading corner in the 6th-grade classroom. This classroom already has a bookshelf but barely has interesting books or decorations for the reading corner. Therefore, providing various books and decorating reading corners is needed.

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Picture 2. Group reading

Second, innovation in literacy activities was also done to make literacy engaging for students. Moreover, with various literacy activities, it is expected students will understand the books in more fun ways. This program is held every Monday at the last hour. Several innovations in literacy activities have been implemented, namely storytelling taking turns.

Reading, group reading, and retelling books. As seen in picture 2, it was one of the innovations in literacy activities: group reading. 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders gathered in one classroom and divided into groups. Each group consists of three to four students, with one storybook provided. Then, they read the book together. After reading, representatives of several groups chose to retell the story in front of the class.

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Picture 3. Calistung Class

Third, there are two additional learning classes in extracurricular hours. The first is the Assessment Preparation Class, and the second is the Calistung Class. Assessment Preparation Class aims to prepare 4th and 5th graders students to deal with Student Competency Assessment (Assessment Kompetensi Siswa). Through this class, students study literacy and numeracy questions. Moreover, they taught basic arithmetic because many students still need to improve at solving basic arithmetic questions, such as subtraction and multiplication. Meanwhile, Calistung Class intended to teach 1st graders who have poor reading,

writing and counting skills. With this class, students are expected to be more competent in reading, writing, and counting. As seen in picture 3, it was a Calistung Class with 1st-grade students. Students were asked to write the alphabet repeatedly and memorize it. Then, students dictated some letters that were already learned. For the students who already can read but still poorly, they asked to read syllables in a storybook. Moreover, students in this class also learn to count and solve simple addition and subtraction questions.
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Picture 4. Learning vocabulary with flashcards

Apart from the work programs already mentioned before, creating a more fun way to learn and creating learning media is also needed. Some learning media designed to support English lessons are flashcards, PPT presentation files, and learning videos. Learning media is expected to make students more interested in learning English because most students in this school think learning English is difficult. As seen in picture 4, students learn vocabulary using flashcards. Each student was given three flashcards about fruits and vegetables and was asked to memorize the language in each flashcard. After remembering, students partnered in pairs to check whether their partners had learned all the vocabulary.

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