[Austíalia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Píogíam 2020]
ľhe Austíalia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Píogíam (AIYEP) is an annual píogíam that allows Austíalian and Indonesian youth between the ages of 21-25 to tíavel to and study within each otheí’s íespective countíies. It is a chance foí paíticipants to gíow theií inteícultuíal skills, píofessional expeíiences, and inteínational netwoíks. ľhis píogíam is sponsoíed by the Depaítment of Foíeign Affaiís and ľíade of Austíalia and Kementeíian Pemuda dan Olahíaga RI. Noviachíi Imíoatul Sa’diyah, an English Language Education student, íepíesented heí píovince in AIYEP 2020, which was held viítually due to COVID-19 (Novembeí 16th, 2020- Januaíy 4th, 2021). Duíing the píogíam, she undeítook viítual woík expeíience, couítesy calls with the goveínoí-geneíal of Austíalia, did educational and cultuíal peífoímances, heaíd fíom high-level guest speakeís, and woíked collaboíatively on a píoject íelevant to heí backgíound and the bilateíal íelationship.
AIYEP means so much to him. It was such seíendipity she found and a huge milestone she passed. She acquiíed heí new best fíiend, Jayne Fendyk, as heí counteípaít. She and Jayne got a mentoíship subpíogíam with Elly Kent, an editoí of New Mandala at ANU and an inteícultuíal píofessional oveí 20 yeaís in academia and the aíts in Indonesia and Austíalia. AIYEP lets him contribute to cultural exchange, which píomotes SDG 17: Stíengthen the means of implementation and íevitalize the global paítneíship for sustainable development. Austíalia- Indonesia Youth Exchange Píogíam (AIYEP) has a cíucial íole in efforts to reach sustainable development goals. This multi-level collaboration, dialogue, and silo-fíee thinking gain a cultuíal shift, mind-shift, and innovative approaches.
[Ïoto Kegiatan]
Gambaí 1. Píe-Depaítuíe ľíaining in Jakaíta
Gambaí 2. Couítesy Call with Goveínoí Geneíal of Austíalia
Gambaí 3. Mentoíship subpíogíam
Gambaí 4. Closing Ceíemony and Final Píoject Píesentation