“Sowing Devotion, Building the Country from the Eastern Corner of the Sea, HMD Arabic Language Successfully Holds HAMAMAH 2022”
The words enthusiasm, never give up, and sincere sharing describe this HAMAMAH 2022 activity. Khidmah Ijtimaiyyah Lil Ummah, or HAMAMAH, is one of the HMD Arabic UM work programs in the HUMAS section. This year, HAMAMAH activities were carried out on July 1-3, 2022, in Ringinsari Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang Regency. This year’s HAMAMAH activity was carried out by the 2021 Batch of the Arabic Language Department chaired by Rafy Ahmad. “Alhamdulillah, HAMAMAH 2022 was carried out with a variety of activities that we will carry out in the next two days, and of course, it has the support of the faculty, department, and members of HMD Arabic Language and is carried out offline,” said Rafy Ahmad.
This community service activity began on July 1 with a gathering point at Ringinsari Village Hall and received a warm welcome from the village staff. Unexpectedly, this HAMAMAH activity is highly expected by the residents because the work program offered by the committee has a lot to do with education and religion, which the villagers very much need. The opening was held with the concept of an apple and was attended directly by the HMD Arabic Language Advisor, Ust. Moh. Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Pd. He expressed his gratitude that this year’s HAMAMAH event could be held offline because the situation and conditions were better than in previous years. He also hopes that local villagers can accept this event with a sincere heart.
HAMAMAH 2022 raised the theme “Sowing devotion, Building the Country in the Eastern Corner of the Bahari” because the service village is close to the beaches. “The location is far from the reach of the city, about 2 hours more travel, far from the market, and so on. It feels like real dedication,” said one of the HAMAMAH 2022 committee members.
The work programs and activities at this year’s HAMAMAH, namely hamamah teaching, hamamah reciting, book donation, grand tahlil, food distribution, TPQ competitions, clothing donation, and grand tabligh.
HAMAMAH teaching and HAMAMAH mengaji are programs that work in education. This activity is carried out by teaching directly to the local TPQ-TPQ. About four TPQs are targeted: TPQ Darun Najah, TPQ Raudhatul Ulum, TPQ Shirotul Jannah, and TPQ Riyadhul Jannah. The materials taught are tajweed and basic Qur’an reading materials.
Book donation and clothes donation are social programs. The book donation this time was channeled by procuring a Reading Room at Ringinsari Village Hall. In contrast, clothing donations and necessities were distributed to people experiencing poverty during Tahlil Akbar.
Tabligh Akbar is a program engaged in religious affairs, and the committee presented a young millennial ustadz, namely Ust. Shoniful Hadi (Top 6 Action Indosiar) and K.H. Deden (a prominent cleric in the village).
TPQ competitions are a combination of social and educational work programs in which competition participants are presented from the delegation requests of each TPQ in the village. Several competitions were held simultaneously: adhan, sholawat cover, and coloring. The winners of each competition received certificates, trophies, and gifts.
All the work projects carried out by the HAMAMAH 2022 committee were welcomed and fully participated in by the villagers. They hope that this kind of service can be carried out continuously by the State University of Malang (UM) and other institutions.