• +62 341 567475
  • sastra@um.ac.id


Teaching Campus is one of the Merdeka Belajar programs, which provides opportunities for students from all universities in Indonesia to experience learning outside the Campus for 1 (one) semester. State University of Malang Chinese Language Study Program students carry out teaching campus activities at Tamekan Sumbawa Elementary School. Learning activities at SD Negeri Tamekan are conducted face-to-face because Covid-19 does not impact the West Sumbawa Regency area. The total number of students at SD Negeri Tamekan is 128, with 16 teachers. SD Negeri Tamekan consists of parallel classes, where each grade level only has one category. Grade 1 has 23 students; Grade 2 has 18 students. Grade 3 has 26 students, and grade 4 has 24 students, grade 5 has 14 students, grade 6 has 23 students. The teachers consist of the principal, 6 class teachers, two religion teachers, one sports teacher, and six teaching staff. Each class teacher is responsible for 1 class each. This internship activity is one of Merdeka Belajar’s work programs. It is carried out by students for approximately four months. This activity was carried out from August 1 – December 15, 2022. 

During the teaching campus activities at SDN Tamekan, Sumbawa, Chinese Language Education Study Program, students assisted in teaching and learning activities, assisted students and teachers in technology adaptation, and helped with administration. With this teaching campus activity, students are expected to help the school carry out learning activities, improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills through team programs, assist in adapting technologically, develop their abilities outside the Campus, become a forum for students to channel knowledge and increase insight into students, provide teaching experience for students, establish creative teaching media, increase the actual contribution of universities and students in national development.

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