The Team of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, Successfully Developed Arabic Letter Recognition Media for People with Tuna Graphite
Arabic Literature Department State University of Malang
Muh. Syahri R
Uswatun Safitri
Titis Thoriquttyas, M.Pd.I
1 November, 2021
SGD 17
The team majoring in Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang has successfully developed a medium for reading the Qur’an for people with disabilities. The team consists of Muh. Shahri R, Uswatun Safitri and Titis Thoriquttyas, M.Pd.I. Kegiatan ini dlaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Nopember 2021.
Children with mental disabilities have difficulty understanding abstract things, such as
the introduction of Arabic letters, so a medium is needed that can concretize this.
In addition, there are children with mental disabilities who are only able to pronounce Arabic letters but are not know the shape of the Arabic letters. In this context, the ABATA media associates and equates Arabic letters with surrounding objects in their shape and pronunciation to help children with mental disabilities know the shape and pronunciation of Arabic letters. The research aims to describe ABATA media and its effectiveness conceptually.
This research uses research & development methods to search for multiple sources, analyze them, and then design media and piloting to get a validity and reliability score. The study was conducted at SDLBN Kedungkandang, Malang City, by targeting teachers and students as
Respondents. ABATA media is designed based on pictorial media and adopts the method
the analogy with equating the shape of an object with the shape of an Arabic letter. As for the pronunciation of letters, Arabia is equated with the early tribes of things. Based on a search of various literature that researchers have carried out, ABATA media is predicted to be effective in applying to children with mental disabilities in introducing Arabic letters. It is based on the fact that illustrated media and analogy methods that form the basis for the development of this ABATA media have proven effective and able to be accepted by children with mental disabilities. The results of this study show that the validity test score shows that the innovative product of quranic learning for children mentally impaired (ABATA) is at a valid grade and has a convincing reliability score.