National Seminar: Optimizing Indonesian Language, Literature, and Culture
Indonesian Language Department
Reyfanza Akmal Syahara
November 10, 2021
During the pandemic, all activities are carried out online and become a trigger for a national identity crisis, especially in the world of education. Likewise, the Indonesian Language Department Association held an online National Seminar through the Zoom Meeting media, which was included in a series of events for the 2021 Indonesian Language and Literature Month (BBS). The theme was “Optimizing Indonesian Language, Literature and Culture as National Identity in Indonesia. in the middle of a pandemic.” This activity will be carried out in one day on Saturday, November 6, 2021. This activity targets the general public and students at the D3/D4/S1 level. One of the objectives of this activity is to strengthen the nation’s identity through seminars on the Indonesian language, literature, and culture in the pandemic era.
Optimization of the Indonesian language, literature, and culture during a pandemic is essential, considering that all access to activities, one of which is cultural activities, is carried out online during the pandemic. The details of this activity include the National Seminar followed by Parallel Discussion, of course bringing expert speakers in their fields. The selection of these topics focuses on the language, literature, and culture of the Indonesian nation. During the pandemic, all activities are carried out online; thus, optimizing Indonesian language and literature, and culture amid a pandemic needs to be implemented and preserved as much as possible because Indonesian language, literature, and culture are the identity of a nation.
The material presented was delivered by UM internal lecturers, and then there were also external speakers. There was even one speaker from abroad named Andrea Decker, Ph.D. After the presentation of the material, a question and answer session was held so that participants were also active in this seminar. The development of science regarding efforts to optimize the language, literature, and culture of the Indonesian nation during the pandemic will significantly assist students and the community in preserving the language, literature, and culture during the pandemic.