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  • sastra@um.ac.id

TikTok Competition

TikTok Competition is a form of community service carried out online through the Instagram and TikTok platforms, with the theme and purpose of activities that can develop education and creativity in creating and innovating even in the conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The competition is intended for the general public so that all people can take part in the competition with their creative ideas. The problem of hampering community service activities is usually carried out offline and directly in places of need, so the Tiktok Competition activity is here to provide educational solutions to the broader community about productive activities and sharing information in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The TikTok Competition will be held from August 10 to September 2, 2021 with registration, submission and announcement stages.

The TikTok competition had a timeline and guidebook that was very easy for the participants to understand. The enthusiasm of the Indonesian people towards the TikTok competition is relatively high, as can be seen from the number of participants who participated, namely more than 20 participants with national reach. The assessment system is also highly considered in the implementation of the competition. Therefore the organizing committee cooperates with the Tiktok Competition activities, also racing on the mission of the Faculty of Letters which organizes education and learning in language, literature, art, and design in the field of education and non-education centered on students by using a practical learning approach and optimizing the use of technology.


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