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Empowering Sanan Village Women Through Oglek Tempe Dance to Support Culture Based Village Tourism

Departemen Seni dan Desain

Dra. E. wara Suprihatin Dyah Pratamawati, M.Pd 

Drs. Sumarwahyudi, M.Sn

Ika Wahyu Widyawati, S.Pd., M.Pd

Dr. Robby Hidajat, M.Sn

Deka Armamevia Putri

A. Sabiqul Adam

Oktober 5, 2021

Public Engagement

SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG 5

Sanan Village is designated as a Tempe Chips Industry Center based on small home industries; the crafters, totaling 637 people, are members of the Society for the Tempe and Sanan Tempe Chips Production Center Malang. Kampung Sanan is one of the leading tourist destinations in the Malang City area but has yet to have a unique characteristic characterized by potential local culture. In this case, the tourist attractions are presented as usual in other locations, such as Bali. This gap became the impetus for the PKM team to create a new choreography with the title Tari Oglek Tempe. The Oglek Tempe dance is a welcome dance that did not exist before. This is a unique, original choreography composed by a team of PKM lecturers, PSTM students, and alums.

This welcoming dance will be applied as an opening dance for the procession to welcome tourists who visit and characterize the tour guide of Kampung Sanan. The UM team carried out the choreography process in preparing the Oglek Tempe dance from the beginning until the dance was formed. The implementation team involved dance and music alumni, with stages referring to the choreography process as in the theory of Soemandyo Hadi, Y, starting with the exploration stage (searching for working ideas, working ideas, dance titles, motion forms, costumes, accompaniment, floor patterns, design dramatic; improvisation (searching for motion, recording the motion of all limbs), shaping (determining the floor pattern, facing direction, level, theatrical design, type of property) according to recommendations.

After the complete dance is formed with its accompaniment, the training is carried out. Applying a demonstration method where the UM team directly gives examples of dance to participants. Meanwhile, the enrichment method is applied as a solution during the pandemic by facilitating it through video recordings of dances that can be learned on Android phones and also by providing credit funds to participants.

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