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4. Quality Education
Continuous Professional Development Training Activity “Strengthening Literary Literacy for Indonesian Language Teachers”

Continuous Professional Development Training Activity “Strengthening Literary Literacy for Indonesian Language Teachers”

Faculty of Letters

Diva Gita Edenia

July 21st, 2024


On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 13.00 WIB, the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, held a Continuous Professional Development Training activity with the theme “Strengthening Literary Literacy for Indonesian Language Teachers.” The event took place in AVA Hall, Building D14, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, and was attended by a number of Indonesian language teachers from various schools around Malang.

The training aimed to improve Indonesian language teachers’ competence and skills in teaching students literary literacy. Literary literacy is essential in Indonesian language learning because it not only develops reading and writing skills but also increases appreciation for literary works and enriches students’ cultural insights and character.

The training was led by two highly respected resource persons in the field. The first speaker was Yoga Prasetya, M.Pd., the Chairman of MGMP RI, and the second speaker was Dr. Roekhan, M.Pd., a distinguished lecturer at the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang.

The enthusiasm of the participants was very high throughout the activity. Many participants actively asked questions and shared experiences, showing they were very interested and motivated to apply the knowledge gained in this activity in their respective classes.

The Continuous Professional Development Training activity “Strengthening Literary Literacy for Indonesian Language Teachers” is expected to be the first step in improving the quality of literary education in Indonesia. The Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, is committed to continuing to support the development of teacher professionalism through various training programs and activities in the future.

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