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4. Quality Education
Strengthening Competence in Teaching, DSA UM held a Training on Making Project Based Learning (PjBL) for Arabic Language Teachers in Jombang Regency

Strengthening Competence in Teaching, DSA UM held a Training on Making Project Based Learning (PjBL) for Arabic Language Teachers in Jombang Regency


1 July 2024

Jombang (04/06) – In order to increase teacher innovation in teaching Arabic, the Department of Arabic Literature (DSA) State University of Malang (UM) in collaboration with MGMP Arabic MAN and the Ministry of Religion of Jombang Regency held training on creating Project Based Learning (PjBL) . This training was held on Tuesday, June 4 2024 at the MAN 3 Jombang Auditorium.

This event was attended by the Head of the Jombang Regency Ministry of Religion Office, Dr. Muhajir, M.Ag., Head of MAN 3 Jombang Sutrisno, M.Pd., and Head of MAN 4 Jombang and Supervisor of the Jombang Arabic Language MGMP M. Ilyas, Lc., M.M.Pd. Acting as a speaker in this training was Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. H. Imam Asrori, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Moh. Ainin, M.Pd.

In his speech, Dr. Moh. Ahsanuddin, M.Pd. as the chief executive said that “Arabic language teachers need to update the curriculum, methods or media in the Arabic language learning process in this digital era. “It is hoped that with this training, Arabic language learning in the future will be better.”

Head of MAN 3 Jombang, Sutrisno, M.Pd. also expressed his appreciation for the implementation of this activity. “We would like to express our gratitude to Pak Ahsan and the team for agreeing to provide training at our madrasah,” he said. Representing MGMP Arabic, Supervisor and Head of MAN 4 Jombang, M. Ilyas, Lc., M.M.Pd. also expressed good wishes for the implementation of this activity. “Hopefully with this training, teaching Arabic will become easier and not as students perceive that Arabic is difficult.”

Head of the Jombang Regency Ministry of Religion Office, Dr. Muhajir, S.Pd., M.Ag. in his speech said “with this training, it is hoped that teachers can make students feel happy when learning Arabic.”

After speeches and the official opening of the training by the head of the Jombang Ministry of Religion, the event continued with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang and the Ministry of Religion, Jombang Regency.

Training activities are running actively and the participation of Arabic language teachers in Jombang deserves a thumbs up. The enthusiasm of the training participants was very high. Based on the committee’s records, training participants not only came from Jombang, but also from outside the city such as Mojokerto, Sidoarjo and Kediri.

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