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Embracing the Future of Language Education: NEELLS 2023 and the Role of AI

In a world where technology is rapidly transforming the way we live and learn, the Department of English, Faculty of Letters at Universitas Negeri Malang, took a proactive step by hosting the National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar (NEELLS) 2023. The event, held on September 16, 2023, bore the theme “English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics in the Society 5.0 Era: Insights and Challenges.” One of the distinguished speakers at NEELLS was Dr. I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra, M.Pd. from Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.

Dr. Putra’s presentation, “Exploring the Possibility of AI Replacing Teachers: AI for Learning & AI for Assessment in Academic Writing Setting,” was thought-provoking and timely. As our world transitions into Society 5.0, characterized by the integration of artificial intelligence and human intelligence, it is essential to consider the implications of AI in education.

The seminar sparked a vital discussion about the role of AI in teaching and assessment, particularly in the context of academic writing. Dr. Putra emphasized how AI-driven tools can enhance language learning by providing immediate feedback, personalized guidance, and support in academic writing.

This topic aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education), as it explores innovative ways to improve learning outcomes and make education more accessible. Integrating AI into education offers the potential for personalized and effective learning experiences, ultimately advancing the quality of education.

Moreover, the seminar underlines the relevance of Society 5.0 and the need for educators and institutions to adapt and harness technology to benefit learners. It is not about replacing teachers but enhancing their capabilities through AI-driven tools.

NEELLS 2023 served as a platform for educators, researchers, and practitioners to exchange ideas and insights about the evolving landscape of language education in the digital era. It highlighted the importance of embracing technological advancements while staying committed to the goal of delivering quality education.

As we move forward, it’s clear that the synergy between AI and teachers will define the future of education. NEELLS 2023 was a testament to Universitas Negeri Malang’s commitment to exploring these possibilities and addressing the challenges that come with them, ensuring that the English language teaching, literature, and linguistics landscape remains vibrant and responsive to the needs of Society 5.0.

For further information related to NEELLS Conference you may visit neells.sastra.um.ac.id

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