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Teaching Campus Program in SDN Wonosari 1

Department of English Literature

Dwi Anjar Fitriyah Kusuma Wardani

31 December 2021

Public Engagement/Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

SDG 4 Quality Education 

Malang University organized the campus teaching program to provide opportunities for students to carry out teaching activities affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this activity, students can share the knowledge they have gained on campus. Dwi Anjar Fitriyah Kusuma Wardani carried out this activity for elementary school children who attend SDN Wonosari 1, Grujugan District, Bondowoso Regency. This activity began on August 3, 2021, to December 17, 2021. This teaching activity was conducted with several goals, one of which was to help improve the quality of primary school education during the pandemic.

Before the learning activities began, initial observations were carried out on August 3, 2021. This observation was conducted to determine various aspects of the school, such as conditions, learning methods, and learning media used. It is beneficial for students to design program plans. Grujugan District, Bondowoso Regency. After that, the learning activities started well until the end. The results of these activities were also successfully achieved. They were starting from students’ understanding and reflecting on the behavior of Pancasila students, implementing health protocols during this pandemic, to increasing literacy and numeracy skills. This campus teaching activity supports the achievement of SDG 4, which is related to quality education. After this activity, teachers and students are expected to continue developing learning by utilizing the available technology to the fullest.

Picture 1. Class Observations Accompanied by Teachers and Principals.

Laporan 33-70 (MBKM Gasal 2021-2022 Adv Listening) - Google Drive - Google Chrome

Picture 2. Grade 1 student teaching activities.

Laporan 33-70 (MBKM Gasal 2021-2022 Adv Listening) - Google Drive - Google Chrome

Picture 3. Grade 1 students learn to read, write, and create sentences. 

Laporan 33-70 (MBKM Gasal 2021-2022 Adv Listening) - Google Drive - Google Chrome

Picture 4. Elementary students plant chili seeds, and say farewell to students.

The teaching activities at SDN Wonosari 1 are very diverse, such as improving literacy by learning to read fairy tales, improving numeracy by practicing questions, filling out the wall magazine with students’ works, watching learning videos, and gardening. These activities are carried out to make students and teachers at SDN Wonosari 1 adapt to learning technology and create a more effective but still fun learning atmosphere.

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