Optimizing Student Ideas in Innovating to Realize the 2045 Golden Generation through Student Creativity Programs
Departemen Sastra Indonesia
Annas Setya Wicaksono
18 Juli 2021
The Community Services
The 2021 JSI Proposal Writing Competition, an initial step to grow and improve the culture of writing scientific papers among students of the Indonesian Literature Department. The implementation of this activity was carried out on May 9, 2021 until July 18, 2021, starting from the publication of the pamphlet to the final activity with the presentation of the PKM proposal by the selected team and ending with the announcement of the championship. The 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing Competition activity is useful as a forum for increasing the intellectual power and creativity of the younger generation and in accordance with the theme raised by the 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing Activity to be a means of optimizing and honing student ideas in developing critical thinking. This 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing activity was carried out during a pandemic, resulting in this activity being carried out online with WhatsApp and Zoom Meeting media.
The 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing Competition was opened with remarks by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hanafi, S.Ag., M.Fil.I. as Deputy Dean III. The activity of the Proposal Writing Competition was held on May 9 – July 18, 2021, targeted all students of the Indonesian Literature Department, especially the 2018 2019 and 2020 batches. ended with a judging by Mr. Dr. Karkono, S.S., M.A, Mrs. Novi Eka Susilowati, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Mrs. Cicik Tri Jayanti, S.Pd., M.A.
Picture 1. The 1st Place in the 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing Competition
The 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing Competition ended with the first winner in the name of Naufal Yuan Nabila, Alicia Putri Pelangi, Umniyah Juman Rosyidah, Nafiis Ridaaf Filasthin, and Rodan Hadid Qot’an Bahara. The first winner of the 2021 JSI PKM Proposal Writing Competition entitled “Intensification of Tourism Village Potential through Empowerment of Glinggang Village Tourism Awareness Groups in the Covid-19 Era. This PKM proposal at least discusses an innovation and an alternative for the village government, the Glinggang Village tourism awareness group in collaboration with the PKM-PM team works hand in hand to improve the tourism potential intensification program with the help of the website.