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Collaborative Performances 

HMJ German Literature 2021 

        The 2021 Collaboration Performance activity is a theatrical drama performance by students of the German Literature Department which collaborated with the LSO group at HMJ Sasjer. The LSOs are Liebe Chor (LC), Liebe Melodie, Schwänetanz, and Theater Über. The Collaboration Performance was held at the Drama Laboratory Building on March 26, 2021 with audience restrictions imposed to reduce crowds. The purpose of implementing this activity is to accommodate German Literature students’ talents and interests displayed in theatrical drama performances.

        The Head of the Department attended the 2021 Collaboration Performance, Secretary of the Department, Supervisor of HMJ German Literature, and several guests, such as BEM FS, HMJ from the faculty of Letters, and alums from the German Literature department. As for the theme taken for the staging, namely Nitis’s “Picking Up the Wounds of the Past That Does Not Pass,” the article describes the life of reincarnation displayed by students majoring in German Literature. Performances Although the Collaboration Performance was held offline with restrictions on the number of spectators, the wider public could watch the theatrical performance indirectly through HMJ Sastra Germany’s social media accounts. The Collaboration Performance was successfully held and produced the desired results and outputs.

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