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9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Optimizing Sustainable Design Outcomes through Presentation Guidance at State University of Malang

Optimizing Sustainable Design Outcomes through Presentation Guidance at State University of Malang

Faculty of Letters 

Department of Art and Design

July 26, 2024

Learning and Students, Learning and Student Activities


The ICADECS 2024 workshop at the Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, features a guided session on results presentation that aims to optimize the quality of designs produced by participants. The session focused on providing constructive feedback and guidance to participants on how to effectively present their design ideas and results, with an emphasis on the principles of SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

During the series of guided presentations, participants were given the opportunity to present their designs to an expert panel consisting of lecturers, practitioners, and presenters. This panel provided valuable input on how their designs could be integrated with industry innovations and meet evolving infrastructure needs. The main objective of the scouting was to improve the quality of the designs produced, ensuring that each work was not only creative but also relevant and applicable in the current industrial context.

In addition, the session is designed to develop participants’ communication skills, helping them to convey their ideas and design outcomes clearly and persuasively. With better presentation skills, participants are expected to explain how their designs contribute to innovation and the development of better infrastructure.

The workshop also serves as a platform for knowledge and experience sharing between academia and industry, encouraging closer collaboration in creating innovative and sustainable designs. Universitas Negeri Malang is committed to supporting the achievement of SDG 9 through education that emphasizes the importance of integration between design, innovation, and industry needs.

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