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17. Partnership For The Goal
Rays of Creativity: Collaboration of Malang State University and Penajam Paser Towards Sustainable Arts Education

Rays of Creativity: Collaboration of Malang State University and Penajam Paser Towards Sustainable Arts Education

Faculty of Literature

Department of Art and Design

May 16, 2024

Public Engangement

SDG 17

Activity “Exploration of Cooperation in Training Activities for Arts and Culture Teachers in Penajam Paser – East Kalimantan” By involving the State University of Malang and the Penajam Paser local government, this activity emphasizes the importance of collaboration between universities and government institutions in achieving sustainable development goals.

This partnership is designed to improve the quality of arts and culture education through training for teachers in Penajam Paser. With this training, it is hoped that teachers can gain new knowledge and skills that will improve the effectiveness of their teaching, as well as support the development of a curriculum that is more relevant to local needs. This not only supports the improvement of teacher competence, but also strengthens the capacity of arts and culture education in the area.

Through this collaboration, the State University of Malang and the local government not only contribute to improving the quality of education but also build mutually beneficial relationships that can strengthen sustainable development efforts. This partnership encourages synergy and cross-sector cooperation to achieve greater and more sustainable results. In this context, the collaboration that is established plays an important role in strengthening local capacity, as well as advancing arts and culture education as an integral part of sustainable development in Penajam Paser.

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