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4. Quality Education
Application of Augmented Reality in Presenting Nirmana’s Three-Dimensional Works as a Media for Visualization of Works in Virtual Lectures and Exhibitions for Students majoring in Art and Design

Application of Augmented Reality in Presenting Nirmana’s Three-Dimensional Works as a Media for Visualization of Works in Virtual Lectures and Exhibitions for Students majoring in Art and Design

Departemen Seni dan Desain

Joni Agung Sudarmanto, S.Sn., M.Ds. 

Novian Wahyu Firmansyah, S.Sn, M.Sn.

Fariza Wahyu Arizal, S.Sn, M.Sn.

September 5, 2021



ARTSYBITION is an augmented reality-based application that is used to showcase three-dimensional works. A team made this application of lecturers Joni Agung Sudarmanto, S.Sn., M.Ds., Novian Wahyu Firmansyah, S.Sn, M.Sn., and Fariza Wahyu Arizal, S.Sn, M.Sn. Making this application is based on the existence of new media, such as Augmented Reality, that can be used to make learning more exciting and innovative. This research was conducted at the State University of Malang involving lecturers and students in the Nirmana 3 Dimension course. This application has been successfully used to carry out exhibitions for the Nirmana 3 Dimension course. The final result of this activity is an application that can be used on the Android operating system. With this application, various other media will be developed to create Nirmana’s work, of course, not only in teaching and learning activities in the classroom, for example, in the form of exhibitions. Making this application is one of the efforts of researchers at the State University of Malang to improve the quality of education and to learn in lectures.

To use this application, users need a device such as a tablet or a smartphone to scan a marker that is used as a place to bring up three-dimensional objects. Then, the user performs an application installed on the device and a marker scan. After the machine scans the marker, users can observe the details of the collection of works being exhibited in 360°. This application will detect the next title on the device screen display will appear as three-dimensional objects that can be rotated or directed 360 °.

The image above is an example of a three-dimensional object being exhibited. This work will only be visible if the ARTSYBITION application running on the user’s device scans the provided markers. The result of the Nirmana 3 Dimension course can be viewed through a mobile device and observed in detail, and the user can surround the three-dimensional object.

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