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4. Quality Education


faculty of Literature

Visual communication design

April 12, 2024

Learning and Students, Student Learning and Activities


In the increasingly developing digital era, creativity and innovation in education have become very important. One form of real contribution from students in supporting quality education is by participating in poster competitions. In 2024, an undergraduate student at the State University of Malang (UM) decided to participate in (LIDM) with the theme “Digital Education”. The theme of this competition is very relevant to current developments. Digital education has become a major need in the modern era. Digital technology makes it possible wider and more equitable access to quality education. UM students took advantage of this opportunity to express their creative ideas in the form of interesting and informative posters.

The LIDM competition is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, namely Quality Education. SDG 4 aims to “ensure education that is inclusive and of equal quality, and supports lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Through this competition, UM students want to convey the message that digital education is the key to achieving this goal. Digital education allows access to learning resources for everyone, without exception. This is very important to reduce the educational gap between urban and rural areas. Digital technology enables more interactive and interesting learning methods, thereby increasing student interest and motivation. With digital education, students can learn anytime and anywhere. This is especially helpful for those who have limited time or physical access to educational institutions. Digital education not only provides knowledge, but also develops digital skills that are much needed in the modern world of work.

The 2024 LIDM poster competition, which was participated in by UM undergraduate students, is a real effort to support quality education through digital innovation. With the theme “Digital Education” these students conveyed an important message about the importance of digital education in achieving SDG 4. Teachers, as the main component in education, must also continue to develop themselves in order to provide relevant and quality education. Through collaboration between technology, teachers and students, we can create a better and more inclusive education system for a brighter future.

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