• +62 341 567475
  • sastra@um.ac.id
17. Partnership For The Goal


The Khaimah Arabiyah activity (Organizational Management Training for HMJ Arabic Literature Management) is a work program of HMJ Arabic Literature for Organizational Management. This activity is intended to hone skills in terms of socializing in an organization. Another goal is to prepare responsible prospective leaders who are by the recommendations and with the hope of giving new enthusiasm to make a real contribution to an advanced, intellectual, and dignified Faculty of Letters.


The Khaimah Arabiyah activity will be held online through Google Meeting and offline at SMP NU Bululawang, Malang, by inviting speakers. The speaker will deliver the material according to the agreed theme, then there will be a question and answer session, and then continue with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). After Khaimah Arabiya is held, it will be continued with the AD / ART session and outbound for participants who attend directly with the committee by complying with health protocols. This activity was held on February 18-20, 2022.

The Khaimah Arabiyah activity (Organizational Management Training for HMJ Arabic Literature Management) is an HMJ Arabic Literature Organizational Management Section work program. This activity is intended to hone skills in terms of socializing in an organization. Another goal is to prepare responsible prospective leaders who follow the recommendations and hope to give new enthusiasm to contribute to an advanced, intellectual, and dignified Faculty of Letters.


In addition, it is hoped that there will be good changes in every structure and performance in an organization. Khaimah Arabiyyah is a ceremonial training for HMJ Arabic Literature administrators and ties the family ties between personal members of HMJ Arabic Literature with each other. Good organizational performance is built on a close sense of kinship and belonging to one another. Therefore, this Khaimah Arabiyyah activity must be carried out in every management of HMJ Arabic Literature.

The objectives of the Khaimah Arabiyyah activity are as follows: Strengthening the sense of kinship between fellow administrators of HMJ Arabic Literature 2022, Forming a dedicative and loyal personality in terms of organization, Preparing management members who can welcome changes internally and externally to the organization, The grand meeting is used as a means to evaluate the management constraints of the previous year and formulate and determine the job description of each section in the next period. The benefits of Khaimah Arabiyyah activities are as follows: Increasing the internalization of the management of the department’s student association, Instilling a creative, innovative, dignified leadership spirit, and having good morals, Improving the quality of work ethic.

The target of this 2022 Khaimah Arabiyyah activity is the entire 2022 Arabic Literature Department Student Association Management, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. This activity was carried out virtually via Google Meeting and offline at SMP NU Bululawang, Malang.


Khaimah Arabiyyah HMJ Arabic Literature was held on February 18-20, 2022, online / virtually via Google Meeting and offline, attended by the new management of HMJ Arabic Literature, State University of Malang. This annual activity aims to form new HMJ Arabic Literature administrators loyal to the organization. With the implementation of this event, it is hoped that it can realize better management and performance than the previous period.

The results of the implementation of Khaimah Arabiyyah are the benefits that have been described. Students who become organizers will gain precious experience. This activity increases solidarity among all HMJ Arabic Literature administrators. This activity is the initial activity of the 2022 HMJ management, which contains basic organizational, organizational administration, and leadership materials as initial knowledge of organizing at the University level. For this reason, there is a need for training to prepare responsible leaders who are by the recommendations and with the hope of giving new enthusiasm to make a real contribution to an advanced, intellectual, and dignified Faculty of Letters.

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