The VI Student Arabic International Seminar (SEMNASBAMA) 2023 was attended by hundreds of participants from within and outside the country. This activity was carried out by the Association of Arabic Literature Departments, Faculty of Literature, State University of Malang (DBA FS UM). This activity was held on August 6, 2022.
The VI International Student Arabic Language Seminar (SEMNASBAMA VI) was held online through Zoom Meeting and YouTube. The seminar, targeted at Arabic language students in Indonesia and abroad, consists of two workshops, namely parallel seminars and core seminars. Similar conferences conceptualize a speaker competition (writing papers and presenting them in Arabic) with undergraduate and postgraduate categories of Indonesian and international students. While the SEMNASBAMA VI Core Seminar conceptualizes a seminar by inviting presenters from abroad. These presenters are very good at the material presented in this seminar. This seminar contains the delivery of material according to the agreed theme. Then, there is a question and answer session between presenters and participants, which can be called a discussion. The main speakers in this activity, namely Prof. Dr. Abdurrouf (Arabic Language Lecturer at Putra University Malaysia), Dr. Shabir Nawas (Director of Academy of Excellence India), Prof. Dr. Iman Sulthoni (Lecturer at the Faculty of Education at Kufah University), Dr. Muhammad Alfan, S.Pd., M.Pd (Arabic Language Lecturer at State University of Malang).
The results of the implementation of SEMNASBAMA VI are following the benefits that have been described. Students who become organizers will gain precious experience. This activity increases the solidarity of Arabic Literature Department students between generations. In addition, this activity helps introduce the State University of Malang, especially the Department of Arabic Literature, to Arabic students throughout Indonesia and abroad. The presenter participants totaled 16 presenters from 13 institutions spread across Indonesia and abroad. General participants reached around 300 participants. The papers/articles collected ran 16 pieces.