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17. Partnership For The Goal
Expand Insights and Connections, Arabic Language Education Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta visits the Faculty of Letters UM

Expand Insights and Connections, Arabic Language Education Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta visits the Faculty of Letters UM

Monday (14/3 / 22), in the AVA Hall of the Faculty of Letters, the Arabic Language Education Study Program (PBA) FS UM received a visit from the Arabic Language Education Study Program (PBA) Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Members of the Arabic Literature Department Student Association and Public Relations of the Faculty of Letters also welcomed the arrival of students and accompanying lecturers.

The event was opened by the host and continued with the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur’an by a UM Arabic Language Education student, Izzuddin Zidniy Azzukhruf. Furthermore, Mr. Muh. Naim Madjid, M. I. S. Ph. D, the Head of the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), gave his speech. “It is an honor for us to be accepted into the PBA UM study program. We are grateful,” he said. In his remarks, he explained that this KKL activity is a routine for fourth-year students and is currently attended by seventh-semester students.

He also hopes that in this activity, the PBA UMY study program and the PBA UM study program can exchange ideas/ideas to work together to improve the quality of both. “Alhamdulillah, this activity can be carried out with careful consideration, of course. Hopefully, this activity can continue, and we also hope that the UM Arabic Language Education Study Program can visit Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University.” Mr. Naim’s remarks ended.

The second speech was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Prof. Utami Widiati, M. A, Ph. D. “We, on behalf of UM, especially the Faculty of Letters, Department of Arabic Literature, would like to welcome you, congratulations on seeking knowledge. What is in us hopefully can be additional knowledge for UMY Arabic Language Education Study Program students.” said Mrs. Utami at the beginning of her remarks. He also conveyed a brief profile of the Faculty of Letters and the Department of Arabic Literature on this occasion.

“PBA UMY students certainly hope that there is knowledge that can be learned from PBA UM.” continued Prof. Utami. He conveyed the various advantages of the Department of Arabic Literature, including the PBA UM S1 Study Program, which has been accredited as superior and has received AQAS International accreditation recognition with seven other study programs. In his statement, he explained that the PBA UM Study Program soared for two years during the pandemic. Continuing her explanation, Prof. Utami said, “PBA has adapted and soared and taken part in various international activities. From time to time, I feel the aura of education in PBA increases.” 

In his presentation, he explained various activities, awards, achievements, and teaching and learning activities in the UM Arabic Language Education Study Program. In his statement, PBA UM was trusted by Belmawa to become the Center of Excellent PBA Study Program in Indonesia in the MBKM program. In 2021, PBA UM was mandated to manage the International Arabic Language Department Organization representing Asia. “The PBA UM curriculum accommodates the MBKM curriculum in the teaching and learning process. Students may take courses outside the study program, but we also direct them to study science that can support the teaching profession later, “explained Mrs. Hanik.

Mrs. Hanik also explained the activities in PBA, including the National Conference on Arabic Language (KONASBARA), which received attention from various countries, considering that this conference was also published abroad. At the end of his presentation, the head of the S2 Arabic Language Education study program also presented a brief profile of S2 PBA UM. At the end of the exhibition, a question and answer session was opened by two questioners from PBA UMY students.

At the end of the event, students and the head of PBA UMY presented an exceptional performance and continued with a group photo session. At the end of the event, remember that the State University of Malang and the Faculty of Letters gave souvenirs as a form of gratitude for the valuable and impressive visit of PBA UM and PBA UMY.

The next series of events was the signing of PKS between Faculties by the Dean of FS and the signing of PKS between Prodi by the two capo di. He was then followed by a photo session with the ranks of the Dean, Arabic Literature Department, FS Public Relations Supervisor, Head of PBA UMY, and accompanying lecturers. The next session, namely the presentation of an overview of the Arabic Department by the Head of the Department, Dr. Hanik M, S. Ag, M. Hum.

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