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17. Partnership For The Goal
SEMNASBAMA, HMD Arabic UM Successfully Establishes Cooperation with Universiti Putra Malaysia

SEMNASBAMA, HMD Arabic UM Successfully Establishes Cooperation with Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, held an “International Seminar on Student Arabic” event on August 5, 2022. The Student Arabic International Seminar, abbreviated as “SEMNASBAMA,” consists of 2 big agendas: the International Arabic/English Paper Competition and the International Arabic Language Seminar. This year’s SEMNASBAMA was organized by HMD Arabic Language, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, and this committee was chaired by Fatimah Muthmainnah (S1 Arabic Language Education 2020).

This annual activity of the Arabic Literature Department is one of the work programs of the reasoning division of the Arabic Language Department Student Association, State University of Malang. SEMNASBAMA 2022 ran smoothly from start to finish and successfully collaborated with one of the universities in Malaysia, namely Universiti Putra Malaysia. Participants who attended the Arabic International Seminar more than 200 participants from various countries through the Virtual Zoom Meeting. The main speakers presented by the committee this year came from Malaysia, Iraq, India, and Indonesia.

The opening of the SEMNASBAMA event was attended by Deputy Dean 3 of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hanafi, S.Ag., M.Fil.I., then the Head of the Arabic Literature Department of State University of Malang, Dr. Hanik Mahliatussikah, S.Ag, M.Hum, Advisor of the Arabic Language Department Student Association of State University of Malang, Ustadz Moh. Fauzan, S.Pd, M.Pd.I.. Not only did they open the event, but also the three essential guests of the Faculty of Letters gave remarks that ignited the enthusiasm of participants from various countries to work in the writing field, one of which was by producing papers that could be used for many scientific purposes.

The international paper competition events closed with an international Arabic language seminar. Each participant who passed the abstract selection presented their paper in front of the seminar participants, who were divided into two Zoom rooms. At the end, the announcement of the winners of the best presenters. After the event, the papers were collected into one SEMNASBAMA proceedings.

Picture 1. Zoom Meeting

The Arabic International Seminar was attended by more than 200 participants from various countries through a Virtual Zoom Meeting.

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