Departemen Sastra Indonesia Annas Setya Wicaksono 18 Juli 2021 The Community Services SDG 4 The 2021 JSI Proposal Writing Competition, an initial step to grow and improve the culture of writing scientific papers among students of the Indonesian Literature Department. The implementation of this activity was carried out on May 9, 2021 until July 18, 2021, starting from the publication […]
Indonesian Literature Department Maylia Vinda Ekklesia 17 July 2021 Community Service SDG 4 Various kinds of efforts have been made by the community to support literacy improvement by developing a Community Reading Park (TBM) as an informal educational institution. The presence of TBM in the midst of the community is expected to be a means of independent learning, so that […]
Opinion Contest and Library Dialogue
Indonesian Literature Department Khumaerah Desta Fitrianti July 15, 2021 Community Service SDG 4 LODK is an opinion and dialogue competition to the library which is to accommodate and aspire students’ abilities in giving written and oral opinions on the theme of the library which is the work program of the Student Association. Department of Indonesian Literature, State University of Malang. […]
Youth Creativity Competition
Era New Normal Indonesian Literature Department Alya Salsabila Zahrah 12 May 2021 SDG 4 The increasing number of Covid-19 cases has made the government issue various new policies such as issuing various health rules and protocols/guidelines, establishing large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in various regions, carrying out Covid-19 tests in various places, to establishing a new normal order. New normal is […]
Literacy Service 2021: Community Service Activities Indonesian Literature Student Association (HMJ) Indonesian
Literature Department Della Patricia Brajaningrum 17 April 2021 Community Service SDG 4 Literacy Service is one of the annual work programs of the Indonesian Literature Student Association, State University of Malang. This activity is an effort to implement the Tri Dharma of higher education, especially in the fields of education and community service. This community service was held for four […]
Training for the 26th Member of Pelangi Theater State University of Malang
Department of Indonesian Literature Maylia Vinda Ekklesia April 4, 2021 Community Service SDG 4 The development of the art world has now moved so quick. Many new forms of art have emerged that are presented by artists to enliven the world of art in the country. Art is indeed something that will never fade and be eroded by the passage […]
Awareness of the Millennial Generation through the Webinar of Indonesian Language Existence
Departemen Sastra Indonesia Rieke Novianti 27 Maret 2021 Webinar SDG 4 Indonesian was designated as the National Language on October 28, 1928 and confirmed as the State Language through the 1945 Constitution Chapter XV Article 36, on August 18, 1945. Over time, the existence of Indonesian in the millennial generation has attracted many opinions and opinions. problem. The problem arises […]
Making The Generation of Indonesian Literature Student Association to be Happy by Mandala
Departemen Sastra Indonesia [Lailatus Sa’adah] 28 Februari 2021 Kegiatan kemahasiswaan SDG 4 The Indonesian Literature Department Student Association of the 2021 period held a MANDALA. It is carried out with the aim of preparing mentally and physically in carrying out the work program that has been planned. This year’s, MANDALA took the theme “Making a Generation of Indonesian Literary HMJ […]