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Social Media Creative Content Creation Training for Youth in Glanggang Village, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency

Departemen Sastra Indonesia Vindy Mayaretha Candra 23 November 2021 The Community Services SDG 4 Glanggang Village is a village that located in Pakisaji District, Malang Regency. The population of Glanggang Village is increasing and most of them are people of productive age (68.44%). However, this does not affect the high level of average income because there are still many people […]

Art Appreciation in the 26th Production Performance Activity of Pelangi Pelangi Theater in Malang Indonesia

Department of Indonesian Literature Nada Azhara Purnomo 19 November 2021 Learning and Students/Student Learning and Activities SDG 4 Departing from the development of art and culture in Indonesia, especially in Malang City, is nothing but always need a place to channel the existing arts and culture. One of them is theater arts. Its sustainability was reflected in the 26th Rainbow […]

National Seminar: Optimizing Indonesian Language, Literature, and Culture

Indonesian Language Department Reyfanza Akmal Syahara November 10, 2021 Seminar SDG 4 During the pandemic, all activities are carried out online and become a trigger for a national identity crisis, especially in the world of education. Likewise, the Indonesian Language Department Association held an online National Seminar through the Zoom Meeting media, which was included in a series of events […]



The community service proposed by the researcher is part of implementing science and technology in the community. This is important to do as part of realizing the role of universities in implementing the tri dharma. In 2021, researchers will implement an Indonesian language socialization program to improve language skills, strengthen politeness culture, and manage Indonesian public libraries in Ngadilangkung Village, […]

Online Learning Video Content Creation Training for MI Al-Falaah Banaran Teachers, Kediri City.

Departemen Sastra Indonesia Maylia Vinda Ekklesia 06 November 2021 The Community Services SDG 4 The paradigm shift in the implementation of education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 encourages changes and updates in several aspects of learning. Every educational institution is required to adapt to new learning methods. Every educator must change the old conventional learning methods with […]


Indonesian Literature Department Iche Fatmasari Nastiti October 26, 2022 Community service SDGS 4 GEBRAN (Anti-Drug Achievement Generation) is one of the work programs of the Education Sector of the Indonesian Literature Department Student Association in the form of an online seminar. This activity was held online or online through the Zoom Cloud Meetings application on May 2, 2021. The activity […]

Indonesian Literature Department Holds Library Science Scientific Forum

Indonesian Literature Department Nimas Ade Dyah Ratnasari  October 17, 2021 Student Activities SDG 4  Libraries grow and develop along with the development of national culture, while the development of national culture cannot be separated from the role of libraries. The reason why the nation’s culture including ancient texts must be preserved is because it is a very valuable ancestral heritage […]


Indonesian Literature Department Audi Vidya Dwi Putri September 25 2021 Webinar SDG 8 The millennial generation has a significant role in economic growth and development in the current era. The life of the millennial generation, who are familiar with technology, can be used as their foothold to participate in advancing economic growth and development in Indonesia. To support economic growth […]

[MISI (Motivation, Inspiration, Education)]

Departemen Sastra Indonesia Roikha Indasari  11 September 2021 SDG 4 MISI (Motivation, Inspiration, Education) is one of the annual work programs in the field of Character Education and Religious Life, Indonesian Literature Association, State University of Malang. This activity is an effort to carry out the Tri Dharma of higher education in the fields of Character Education and Religious Life. […]