The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) is an annual program that allows Australian and Indonesian youth between the ages of 21-25 to travel to and study within each other’s respective countries. It is a chance for participants to grow their intercultural skills, professional experiences, and international networks. This program is sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of […]
[Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2020]
[Mahasiswa] 5 Januari 2021 Learning and Students/Pembelajaran dan Aktivitas Mahasiswa SDG 4, 17 The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) is an annual program that allows Australian and Indonesian youth between the ages of 21-25 to travel to and study within each other’s respective countries. It is a chance for participants to grow their intercultural skills, professional experiences, and international networks. […]
[Austíalia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Píogíam 2020]
ľhe Austíalia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Píogíam (AIYEP) is an annual píogíam that allows Austíalian and Indonesian youth between the ages of 21-25 to tíavel to and study within each otheí’s íespective countíies. It is a chance foí paíticipants to gíow theií inteícultuíal skills, píofessional expeíiences, and inteínational netwoíks. ľhis píogíam is sponsoíed by the Depaítment of Foíeign Affaiís and ľíade of […]